- The copyright administrative authorities may confiscate their illegal income or impose a fine on them. 由著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处分。
- The notary office shall be under the leadership of the judicial administrative authorities. 公证处受司法行政机关领导。
- However, many administrative authorities were wrongly guided or persons misapply after this law was implemented. 但是在该法实施后,各行政机关对于该项制度应如何运用并无定见,甚有误引误用者。
- He noted ongoing efforts to strengthen the sanctions that were available to administrative authorities and the increased attention given to enforcement of IPRs. 他指出了为加强行政主管机关处罚力度而作出的不断努力及对知识产权执法的更加重视。
- For complaint reporting that are related to two or more administrative authorities, the said administrative authorities shall consult for acceptance. 第十七条涉及两个或者两个以上行政机关的信访事项,由所涉及的行政机关协商受理;
- Reform of the system of law enforcement by administrative authorities was conducted, and experiments on the centralized right to administer penalties was carried forward. 推进行政执法体制改革,开展了相对集中行政处罚权试点工作。
- The administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall regularly inform tax authorities of the registration and issuance of business licenses. 工商行政管理机关应当将办理登记注册、核发营业执照的情况,定期向税务机关通报。
- To manage domestic pollution administrative authorities in oilfield must establish a set of related administrative regulations and laws. 做好油田矿区生活污染物治理,管理部门应制定相应管理办法和有关规定。
- Reform of the system of law enforcement by administrative authorities was conducted,and experiments on the centralized right to administer penalties was carried forward. 推进行政执法体制改革,开展了相对集中行政处罚权试点工作。
- Copyright administrative authorities under the local governments shall be empowered to redress the infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law. 地方人民政府著作权行政管理部门负责查处本地区发生的著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为。
- You put in a request to the Administrative Authority for Industry and Commerce. 你可以向工商行政管理部门提出要求,
- The relevant administrative authorities shall give rewards to those units or individuals who have made outstanding contribution to the handling of complaint reporting. 第三十七条对在信访工作中做出优异成绩的单位或者个人,由有关行政机关给予奖励。
- Copies of the investment certificates shall be put on the record of the examination and approval authorities, and administrative authorities for industry and commerce. 出资证明书应当抄送审查批准机关及工商行政管理机关。
- Approved contractual JVs shall apply for registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce, and obtain business licenses according to law. 批准设立的合作企业应当依法向工商行政管理机关申请登记,领取营业执照。
- For example, in June 1999, SIPO convened a nationwide working conference, which was attended by representatives from local patent administrative authorities. 例如,1999年6月,国家知识产权局举行了一次由地方专利主管机关代表参加的全国性工作会议。
- The competent administrative authorities under the State Council shall take the control of dust pollution as part of the ground for assessment of a city's comprehensive control of its environment. 国务院有关行政主管部门应当将城市扬尘污染的控制状况作为城市环境综合整治考核的依据之一。
- In investigating and dealing with the matter, the patent administrative authorities are empowered to order the infringer to stop all acts of infringement and compensate for any losses. 专利管理机关处理的时候,有权责令侵权人停止侵权行为,赔偿损失。
- Ever checked and accepted by the local environmental administration authorities? If not, explain the reasons. 工厂是否通过当地环保部门的验收?如果未通过,请说明原因。
- The administrative authority shall take the corrective action that the Special Counsel recommends. 主管部门应采用特别法律顾问所建议的改正措施。
- The industry and commerce administration authorities shall inspect and supervise the investment situation of an enterprise with foreign capital. 工商行政管理机关对外资企业的投资情况进行检查和监督。