- Shake down the duplicating and overlapping administrative organs. 精简重复和重叠的行政机构。
- All administrative organs in the UK are guarded by special police. 英国伦敦的白厅都有特警站岗。
- Jones always wanted to hold the position in the administrative organ. 琼斯总是想能把持着管理机关的这个职位。
- The patent administrative organs in China always treat patent violation claims seriously and deal with them without delay in accordance with the law. 中国专利管理机关对提出的专利侵权申诉均认真对待,及时依法处理。
- Since the implementation of the Administrative Procedural Law two-thirds of the cases have ended in a change of the original decision made by the administrative organs. 自《行政诉讼法》实施以来,三分之二的诉讼都以行政机关改变原决定而终结。
- Procuratorial agencies may not have any subordination relations or other interest relations with administrative organs and other State organs. 招标代理机构与行政机关和其他国家机关不得存在隶属关系或者其他利益关系。
- Administrative organs should use mediation to prevent intensification of disputes. 行政机关应当通过调解活动防止纠纷激化。
- Relevant administrative organs shall inform each other about the admissibility of petitions situation. 有关行政机关应当相互通报信访事项的受理情况。
- Local people's governments at different levels are responsible,and report on their work,to the state administrative organs at the next higher level. 地方各级人民政府对上一级国家行政机关负责并报告工作。
- Not long ago some leading administrative organs in Shanghai were violated,and this type of offence cannot be allowed to happen again. 前一段时间上海发生冲击领导机关的事,那是不能允许的。
- Anyone who refuses to accept the disposition by the administrative organ may file a suit in a people's court. 对行政机关的处理不服,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
- An administrative license shall be implemented by the empowered administrative organ within its statutory functions. 第二十二条行政许可由具有行政许可权的行政机关在其法定职权范围内实施。
- The public shall be entitled to consult the supervisory and inspecting notes of the administrative organ. 公众有权查阅行政机关监督检查记录。
- Without the approval of the licensing administrative organ, it may not stop or suspend its business. 未经作出行政许可决定的行政机关批准,不得擅自停业、歇业。
- Perfecting the administrative organization and the medical facilities. 健全组织完善设施;
- Administrative organization reflects the level of the average price. 管理机构反映的是平均价格水平;
- The Government is the administrative organ, elected by the Assembly for a four-year term. 南斯拉夫政府是执行机构,由联邦议会选举产生,任期4年。
- The administrative organ that makes the decision on a fine shall be separated from the organ that collects the fine. 第四十六条作出罚款决定的行政机关应当与收缴罚款的机构分离。
- The management science on administration organization II. 行政组织管理学2。
- The matters that can be solved by the administrative organs by means of supervision afterwards or through other administrative methods. 行政机关采用事后监督等其他行政管理方式能够解决的。