- What is the admission requirements? 入学要求有哪些?
- All GRE scores must come from a single GRE exam. GRE scores from different GRE exams cannot be combined to meet the admission requirement. 这句话是什么意思??如果考了两次就不能申请了?还是两次分数都应该达到他的最低要求???急
- This paper offers an introduction to the general survey,the major feature,the admission requirement,the tuition fees and scholarship of Australia National University. 本文着重介绍了澳洲国立大学的学校概况、专业特色、入学要求、学费、奖学金等情况。
- Applicants should meet general admission requirements of the Graduate school. 申请人同时须符合大学英语能力要求。
- The following table sets out the admission requirements for students coming from mainland China, Malaysia and Macao. 有关内地、马来西亚、及澳门学生的入学要求,请参阅以下列表
- The admission requirements are different for each programme. For details, please refer to the individual programme. 各课程的入学要求有别,详情请参阅个别课程简介。
- I would like to apply for exemption from the admission English test in compliance with admission requirements. 根据课程对英语考试的有关规定,本人欲申请豁免入学英语考试。
- Individual programmes will have specific admission requirements. Applicants should refer to the admission requirements of the individual programmes. 因各个课程之入学条件有别,申请人必须以个别课程之入学条件为准。
- Some programs have higher GPA restrictions and different examination requirements. Please see specific program admission requirements for information. 有些课程需要较高GPA成绩以及不同的考试要求,请参见具体课程录取要求。
- Drexel University: College of Law - Set to open in Fall 2006. View admission requirements, co-op work requirements, and contact information. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Ridiculous as it may sound, the admission requirements for a Beijingese student is much lower than for a student without a Beijing Hukou. 其次,我已经用钱摆平了孩子接受义务教育的问题;
- Students aged 21 or above who do not meet the admission requirements specified but have demonstrated abilities to complete the programme can also apply. 年满21岁或以上而未能符合课程指定之入学要求的学员亦可报读,惟学员必须具备完成课程之能力。
- Students aged 21 or above who do not meet the admission requirements specified but who have demonstrated abilities to complete the programme can also apply. 年满21岁或以上而不符合课程指定入学要求的学员亦可报读,惟学员必须显示具备完成课程之能力。
- Mature applicants at the age of 21 or above without the above minimum admission requirements but with a demonstrated capacity to pursue the programme are eligible to apply. 如学员年满21岁或以上,但未能符合上述之入学要求而具备完成课程之能力仍可报读。
- This article offers an introduction to the general survey,admission requirements,tuition fees and the new policies of pop countries for overseas students in 2006. 本文主要介绍了2006年热门留学国家的基本情况、留学要求、留学费用及最新政策等内容。
- The minimum admission requirements for foreign students include a good pass in all subjects from previous college/ university examination and an adequate level of Chinese language competency. 外国学生入学标准应以其在原毕业学校之学业平均成绩及格为最低标准,并具备中国语文能力。
- Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. 足够的足以满足要求或需求的
- He gained admission into this university. 他获准进入这所大学。
- Our immediate requirement is extra staff. 我们亟需增加工作人员。
- He was, on his own admission, impulsive by nature. 他承认自己生性易于感情冲动。