- The draft had aimed at the adoption by consensus of a text which, however, had not been examined owing to a stalemate. 该草案旨在以协商一致的方式通过一项案文,但由于讨论出现僵持局面而未能予以审议。
- The appellate report shall be adopted by the DSB and unconditionally accepted by the parties to the dispute unless the DSB decides by consensus not to adopt the appellate report within 20 days following its issuance to the Members. 上诉机构报告应由DSB通过,并由争端各方无条件接受,除非DSB在将报告散发各成员后20天内经协商一致决定不通过上诉机构报告。
- Subsequently,for five years China had presented these two proposals to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly,and they had been adopted by consensus. 此后,中国连续五年都在联大第一委员会提出上述“两案”,均获协商一致通过。
- Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki told reporters the resolution was adopted by consensus during a closed door meeting."There was a lengthy debate. 埃及外交部发言人霍萨姆.;扎基对记者说,这项决议是在一次不公开会议上各国领导人达成共识以后通过的。
- This change of tone, plus the fact that a carefully drafted resolution was adopted by consensus, led some Western governments to claim that the sharp-tongued visitor had been neutralised. 这一语调的变化,加上精心起草的决议一致通过这样的事实,使一些西方国家政府宣称,说话尖刻的访问者已经中立化。
- A child for adoption by an Australian resident? 被澳大利亚居民收养的儿童?
- The Committee shall reach its decisions by consensus. 委员会应经协商一致作出决定。
- Indeed, most boards reach decisions by consensus and unanimity. 实际上,大多数董事会决议都是在一致同意的基础上通过的。
- Michael Jordan is, by consensus, the greatest player of all time. 迈克尔乔丹被一致同意是历史上最伟大的球员。
- Picture display standardization adopt by IBM PC's Viewing angle. IBM个人计算机所采用的画面显示规格。
- adoption by consensus [法] 协商一致通过
- By customary practice, all decisions of the Commission, including its work programme, the progress of designated projects, and the adoption of texts, are made by consensus. 按惯例,委员会的所有决定,包括其工作方案、制定项目的进展以及案文的通过,均采用协商一致的方式。
- A television program produced as a prototype of a series being considered for adoption by a network. 试播节目,前导节目一种作为系列节目中的样本的电视节目,以便让某一网络采纳
- The reform resolution was adopted by acclamation. 改革决议经鼓掌通过。
- Arabic numerals are adopted by many countries. 阿拉伯数字被许多国家所采用。
- The WTO shall continue the practice of decision-making by consensus followed under GATT 1947. WTO应继续实行GATT1947所遵循的经协商一致作出决定的做法。
- The contracting parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on all matters by consensus. 各缔约方应做出一切努力就所有事项通过协商一致达成协议。
- Stroke mechanism was defined by consensus between two cerebroascular neurologists using TOAST classification. 卒中的机制通过两位脑血管神经病学家使用TOAST分类后的一致意见确认。
- The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 该法案以压倒多数通过。
- It was adopted by the European Community in 1986. 这是由欧洲共同体于1986年决定的。