- Sepiolite is a natural magnesium hydrosilicate clay mineral.It has excellent adsorption properties to cigarette smoke. 海泡石作为一种天然含水的镁硅酸盐粘土矿物,对卷烟烟气有优良的吸附性。
- The adsorption properties of D311A resin for sodium pentachlorophenolate were studied in detail. 研究了D311A树脂对五氯苯酚钠的吸附性能。
- Preparation and adsorption properties of high density resorcinol-formaldehyde carbonized aerogel ICF target[J]. 引用该论文 黄常刚;王朝阳;唐永建;王美丽;闫红梅;关峰.
- The adsorption properties of nanotube titanic acid, TiO_2(A) and P_25TiO_2 to reactive brilliant red X-3B in aqueous solution were studied in the dark. 研究了在暗态下纳米管钛酸;TiO2(A);P25TiO2对水溶液中活性艳红X 3B的吸附性能.
- The adsorption properties of nicotin by D001B macroporous strong acid resin from sulfuric acid solution have been investigated. 研究了硫酸溶液中D001B大孔强酸型树脂对烟碱的吸附性能。
- PHEMA resins showed good adsorption properties for bilirubin, and PHEMA resin immobilizing ethanolamine had better adsorption capacity. 该类吸附剂对胆红素有良好的吸附性能,其中用乙醇胺功能基化后的树脂表现出更好的吸附能力。
- Since the 1960s, activated carbon fibers (ACFs) had been given much attention by scientists because of their novel adsorption properties. 六十年代以来,活性炭纤维由于其优异的吸附性能而引起了科学家们的重视。
- Feng D.-G., Zhou D.-L., Long Q., Cao B., Zhang X., Yang W.-Z. Adsorption properties of apatitie-wollastonite bioactive glass-ceramic to glutamic acid. 冯丹歌,周大利,龙沁,曹滨,张翔,杨为中磷灰石-硅灰石生物活性玻璃陶瓷对谷氨酸的吸附
- The adsorption properties of the resultant activated carbons are mainly dependent on the properties of the metal oxides and macerals. 而能否提高活性炭的吸附性能则与金属化合物和煤岩显微组分的性质有关。
- The effects of K2CO3/C ratio and microwave heating time on the yield and adsorption properties of activated carbon were systematically studied. 以烟杆炭化料为原料,采用微波加热碳酸钾活化法制备了高比表面积活性炭。
- Experimental comparisons of the adsorption properties of ZH-05 with granular activated carbon(GAC) and Amberlite XAD-4 toward 2,4-dichlorophenol were performed. 用活性炭GAC和Amberlite XAD-4树脂作为参照,测试了ZH-05吸附树脂对2,4-二氯苯酚的吸附性能。
- A new kind of composite adsorbent is prepared through immersing zeolite 13X into the calcium chloride solution, and the research on the adsorption properties is introduced. 将氯化钙填充到13X分子筛的多孔结构内钊备出了氯化钙-13X分子筛复合吸附剂,并对其吸附性能进行了实验研究。
- We studied the zinc adsorption properties on some soils sampled from Fengyang county,and discussed the relationship between the adsorption character and soil basic properties. 研究了凤阳县几种土壤吸附锌的性能,讨论了这几种土壤对锌的吸附性能与它们的理化性质的关系。
- The adsorption properties of different microporous starch were investigated.Contribution rules of absorbing &desorbing different substances were studied. 通过考察不同多孔化程度的微孔淀粉对水、油、柠檬黄的吸附和解吸,探讨了微孔淀粉在不同条件下的吸附性能。
- Zhang Ping,Wang Le-fu,Li Xue-hui.The study of adsorption properties of SAPO 34 molecular sieve by in Situ DRIFTS[J].Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2002,22(5):755-757. [7]张平;王乐夫;李雪辉.;原位漫反射红外光谱研究SA-PO-34分子筛的吸附性能[J]
- Properties research indicated that the tensile and wear resistant properties of NR was improved due to the special catalystic and adsorption properties of 4A zeolte. 性能测试表明,4A分子筛由于其优良的催化和吸附性能提高了材料的力学和耐磨性能;
- Lignin consists of both aromatic and aliphatic portions containing many active functional groups, which suggests some ion exchange and adsorption properties. 木质素结构中含有芳环、脂肪族侧链和许多活性官能团,具有一定的离子交换与吸附性能。
- Macroporous crosslinking poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) resins were prepared by suspension polymerization.The adsorption properties of PHEMA for bilirubin were studied. 本文通过水相悬浮聚合制备了大孔交联聚甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(PHEMA)树脂,研究了PHEMA树脂以及用乙醇胺功能基化后的PHEMA树脂对胆红素的吸附性能。
- The preparation technology and adsorption property of H 2S adsorbent with red mud from Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Corporation are described. 介绍以广西平果铝业公司氧化铝厂赤泥为主要原料制备硫化氢气体吸附剂的工艺及吸附性能。
- A comparison the adsorption properties of the hypercrosslinked polymeric resins NJ-8, AM-1 and Amberlite XAD-4 toward p-nitroacetophenone was made, including the static equilibrium adsorption isotherms and the adsorption thermodynamic properties. 比较两种超高交联聚苯乙烯吸附树脂NJ-8、AM-1与Amberlite XAD-4 (以下简称XAD-4)对对硝基苯乙酮的静态吸附行为,根据吸附等温线研究了吸附热力学性质。