- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- He has some pretty strange political ideas. 他有一些很奇怪的政治信念。
- Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas. 电视已成为传播政治思想的重要媒介。
- His political ideas went to extremes. 他的政治思想走了极端。
- Their political ideas are repellent to most people. 他们的政治观点令大多数人反感。
- His political ideas were too complex. 他的政见太令人费解。
- His political ideas are too extreme for me. 我认为他的政治观点太偏激了。
- His political ideas color his lectures. 他的政冶观点粉饰了他的演讲。
- She sacrificed her job because of her political ideas. 她为了政治信念而牺牲了自己的工作。
- Gorbachev was impressed by those other political ideas. 戈尔巴乔夫曾被他讲的那些其它政治观点所打动。
- In this section, a few of his political ideas are discussed. 在这一部分中,我们将讨论他对政治的一些观点。
- Advanced culture is the crystallization of the times spirit, the clarion call that the nationality advanced courageously, the flag of the advanced political party. 摘要中国共产党建构当代先进文化,具有深厚的理论传统。
- England used to be the ultimate role model with its amazingly advanced political ,social ,industrial and technological achivevments . 英格曾是世界顶级角色的典范,有着令人惊叹的政治,社会,工业上的技术成就。
- In the early stage of 19th century, the naissance of Marxism-the most advanced theroy, gestated and bred Communist Party-the most advanced political party in the world. 摘要十九世纪上半叶世界上最先进的理论-马克思主义的诞生,孕育培养出了世界上最先进的党-共产党。
- Human right idea is an important respect of the idea of political ethics,and it is helpful for advancing political civilization and moralizing the political behavior. 人权理念是政治伦理理念的一个重要方面,它有利于推进政治文明建设和政治行为的道德化。
- No one can be kept out of the Olympics because of religion, color or political ideas. 任何人都不能因为其宗教信仰、肤色或政治观点而被排除在奥运赛场外。
- The U.S. Government attacked Chaplin for the political ideas they believed he had. 美国政府借口卓别林的政治观点不当而抨击他。
- Found the Junto, a club for informal discussion of scientific, economic and political ideas. 建立了一个秘密俱乐部,讨论的主题是政治、经济和科学等时事方面的问题。
- In addition to setting forth general political ideas, the Constitution provides the blueprint for the governmental system. 联邦宪法除了制定一般政治思想外,还提供了政府制度的蓝图。
- Originally “the theory of legitimacy”was the provision of the convenance institutions,not the political idea. “正统”之义本出于血统 ,最初为一礼制之规定 ,而非政治之观念。