- After three weeks, adventitious buds sprouted from the edge of leaf explants. 当叶盘向轴面朝下放置在培养基上时,三周后,从叶盘边缘生出不定芽。
- Preliminary Study on Virus-free by Adventitious Bud Culture in Lilium spp. 百合不定芽培养脱毒初探。
- The adventitious buds can be developed in the crossed area of both cork cambium and phloem ray inside the root. 宿根上的不定芽发生于韧皮射线与木栓形成层交叉的区域。
- Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No. 富士苹果黄化茎段再生不定芽的研究。
- A preliminary study on the induction and propagation of adventitious buds for Aloe vera L. 库拉索芦荟诱导与增殖的初步研究。
- The conditions promote the multiple formation of adventitious buds and regenerated roots in proliferating colonies of cells. 环境促进滋生的细胞群落多次形成不定芽与再生根。
- The optimal medium for differentiation adventitious buds was DCR+1.5?mg/L 6-BA+1.5?mg/L KT+(20?g/L) sucrose. DCR+1.;5 mg/L 6-BA+1
- The optional inducing medium of adventitious buds is MS basal medium with 2mg/L 6-BA,30g/L sucrose and 9g/L agar. 最佳不定芽诱导培养基为:MS+2mg/L 6-BA+30g/L 蔗糖+9g/L琼脂。
- The mature embryos of Chinese pine were used as explants to induce adventitious buds on improved MS media. 摘要以MS为基本培养基,以油松成熟胚为外植体进行离体培养诱导不定芽。
- Effect of concentrations of NAA and BA on regeneration of adventitious buds was also studied by orthogonal experiment. 采用正交试验研究了生长调节剂BA、NAA的不同浓度对不定芽再生的影响。
- Root was firstly successfully induced from adventitious buds of P. sylvestris var. mongolica. 首次在离体培养条件下,获得了再生小植株。
- Induction of Adventitious Bud and Plantlet Regeneration in vitro of Pinus taeda L. 火炬松丛生芽诱导及植株再生。
- Study on Production of Virus-free Bulblets by Adventitious Bud Culture in Lilium spp. 百合不定芽培养脱毒种球生产的研究。
- Cytohistological Observations of Callus and Adventitious Bud of Isatis indigotica Fort. 菘蓝离体培养过程中愈伤组织和再生芽发生的细胞组织学观察。
- The optimum concentration of BA for the induction of adventitious bud was 2.0mg/L. BA的最适浓度为2.;0 mg/L。
- This paper mainly deals with the study on adventitious buds and Plantlets regenerated from sprout explants and leaves of Daphne odore Var. marginnata . 本研究以金边瑞香(Daphne odore Var.;marginnata)的茎段和叶片为外植体进行植株再生研究。
- For adventitious buds strengthening, Browning of the basal portion could be significantly reduced when 100mg/L PVP was supplemented. 在不定芽扶壮过程中,100mg/L PVP能够很好的抑制芽基部的褐化现象,并且促进不定芽的生长发育。
- The growth of adventitious buds from nodosity of cotyledon is restrained when the concentration of Kanamycin is over 350mg/L. 据此确定了抗生素筛选培养浓度:不定芽分化培养为Kan350 mg/L+Carb500mg/L;
- The highest differentiation rate of adventitious buds was 100% on the DCR medium supplementd with 0.5mg/L BA, 0.1mg/L NAA. 结果表明:不定芽诱导分化的最佳培养基为DCR+0.;5mg/L 6-BA+0
- Transferred to redifferentiation medium, embryogenic callus changerd into adventitious bud and root. 将得到的姜花茎尖薄片、花丝、叶片和花柱的胚性愈伤组织转接到成熟分化培养基中均能成功诱导产生不定芽和不定根的发生。