- Experts were brought in to advise the Government. 请来了专家担当政府顾问。
- She advises the Government on economic affairs. 她向政府提出经济方面的建议。
- The law officers advise the government and individual ministry on legal matter. 法律官员向政府和各个部就法律问题提出意见。
- The law officer advise the government and individual ministry on legal matter. 法律官员向政府和各个部就法律问题提出意见。
- She chairs the Law Reform Commission and the Committee on Bilingual Legal System; the latter was established to advise the Government on the promotion of legal bilingualism. 律政司司长是香港法律改革委员会和双语法律制度委员会的主席,双语法律制度委员会负责向政府提供发展双语法律制度的意见。
- She advises the government on environmental issues. 她是政府的环境问题顾问。
- Experts advise the government to demolish the old houses in the downtown area to promote the city's image. 为了改善市容,专家们建议拆除市中心的旧建筑物。
- We also would like to advise the Government the necessity of stipulating a land contamination law. 我们要取回公道、想要一个更负责任的政府,还有真真正正清洁的香港。
- Experts advise the government to demolish the old houses in the downtown area to improve the city's outlook. 专家建议政府拆除市区里的旧房子来改善城市形象。
- The CCC was appointed to advise the government on how to meet its targets for greenhouse-gas emissions, which call for an 80% reduction, relative to 1990, by 2050. 气候变化委员会受命就如何达到温室气体减排目标向政府提供建议,目标要求到2050年时须在1990年基础上减排80%25。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- A Culture and Heritage Commission will be established to advise the Government on the formulation of overall cultural policies and on broad funding priorities for arts and culture. 政府会成立文化委员会,就制定整体文化政策和文艺服务拨款的总体优先次序提供意见。
- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府对这场争论的干预不会起作用。
- Eighteen District Councils are established in the HKSAR to advise the Government on district affairs and to promote recreational and cultural activities, and environmental improvements within the districts. 香港特别行政区成立了18个区议会,负责就地区事务向政府提供意见,以及在区内推动文娱活动和环境改善工作。
- Please advise the grade of fuel. 请问这是什么牌号的燃油?
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父亲是政府里的要人。
- The District Councils'main function is to advise the Government on matters affecting the well-being of the people living and working in the districts as well as on the provision and use of public facilities and services within the districts. 区议会的主要职能,是就影响区内居住或工作人士的福利、区内公共设施和服务的供应与使用等问题,向政府提供意见。
- The outcast boy was brought up by the government. 这个被遗弃的孩子是由政府抚养大的。