- The scion supplies only aerial parts to the GRAFT. 接穗仅作为嫁接植物的“天线”部分。
- Flavonoids from the Aerial Parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. 红花忍冬的黄酮类成分研究。
- Chemical Constituents from Aerial Parts of Plumbago zeylanica Linn. 白花丹化学成分的研究。
- Triterpenoids from the Aerial Parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. 红花忍冬的三萜类成分研究。
- The layer of cutin covering the epidermis of the aerial parts of plants. 角质层覆盖在植物的气生部分表皮上的一层角质层
- Chemical constituents of the aerial part of Bupleurum chinense DC. 北柴胡地上部分化学成分的分离与鉴定。
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Aerial Parts of Verbena officinalis L. 马鞭草的化学成分研究。
- Primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees. 主要吃苹果树和其它树的高处和根部的树皮。
- Definition: Whole or cut, dried flowering aerial parts of Leonurus cardiaca L. 本品为唇形科植物欧益母草Leonurus cardiaca L.;的干燥的完整或切段的地上部分。
- Definition: Whole or cut, dried aerial parts of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. 本品为豆科植物草木犀Melilotus officinalis (L.;) Lam
- Triterpenoids from the aerial parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. were studied. 对红花忍冬地上部分进行化学成分研究。
- Triterpenoids from the aerial parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim, were studied. 摘要对红花忍冬地上部分进行化学成分研究。
- Objective To study the liposoluble components from the aerial parts of Dioscorea nipponica.Makino. 摘要目的研究穿龙薯蓣地上部分油状物的化学成分。
- Definition: Dried flowering aerial parts of Viola arvensis Murray and/or Viola tricolor L. 本品为堇菜科植物野生堇菜Viola arvensis Murray.;和三色堇Viola tricolor L
- Definition: Essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the flowering aerial parts of Rosmarinus officinalis L. 本品为唇形科植物迷迭香Rosmarinus officinalis L.;的花期地上部分经水蒸气蒸馏得到的挥发油。
- Distilled from the fresh, flowering aerial parts, recently gathered from the Mentha arvensis plant. 我们的产品从新近采集的新鲜植物气生部位提炼而出。
- Definition: Whole or cut, dried, flowering aerial parts of Solidago virgaurea L. 本品为菊科植物毛果一枝黄花Solidago virgaurea L.;的干燥的完整或切碎的花期地上部分。
- Objective: To study the chemical constituents of the aerial parts of cultivated Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC. 目的:研究栽培祁州漏芦地上部分的化学成分。
- Definition: Dried, whole or cut aerial parts of Chelidonium majus L. collected during flowering. 本品为罂粟科植物白屈菜Chelidonium majus L.;的干燥的完整或切碎的花期地上部分。
- Studies on the chemical constituents of the aerial part of Cimicifuga foetida L. 升麻地上部分化学成分研究。