- The aerospace industry in our country has developed greatly after liberation. 解放后,我国的宇航事业取得了巨大的发展。
- He was a pioneer of china's aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- He was a pioneer of china rs aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- He was a pioneerof china's aerospace industry. 他是中国航天工业的拓荒者。
- He works in the aerospace industry. 他在航天工业部门工作。
- Hello, my name is Steve Roger with aerospace industry. 喂,我是宇航工业公司的
- Hello,my name is Steve Roger with aerospace industry. 喂,我是宇航工业公司的。
- General Manager of China National Aerospace Industry Corp. 中国航天工业总公司总经理。
- General Manger of China Natonal Aerospace Industry Corp. 中国航天科技集团公司总经理。
- Chapter One: The characteristics of aerospace industry. 第一章,航天产业的特性。
- In the past it only used for highly demanded aerospace industry. 过去只是用于要求很高的航空航天工业。
- The company produces components for the aerospace industry. 这家公司为航空业生产零部件。
- In the aerospace industry, it s uses are expanding increasingly. 在宇航工业方面的应用日益扩大。
- Aerospace industry in our country has developed greatly after liberation. 解放后,我国的宇航事业取得了巨大的发展。
- D laser cutting has been widely used in automobile and aerospace industry. 三维激光切割在汽车、航空航天工业等领域得到越来越广泛的应用。
- More than3 years experience in technical field with aerospace industry background. 三年以上技术领域工作经验并具有在航空工业工作的背景.
- China Civil Aerospace Industry Development in National "Eleventh Five-Year Plan". “十一五”中国民用航天产业发展规划。
- In the context of the modern aerospace industry these problems are seldom simple or routine. 在现代空间工业范畴内,这些问题很少是简单的或常规的问题。
- High-speed trains, nuclear energy, the aerospace industry, good state schools: all testify to this. 高速列车、核能、宇航工业、良好的公立学校等等这一切都证明了这一点。
- KASTENS &KNAUER is the largest German metal distributor, stockist and supplier to the aerospace industry. 卡斯滕&克瑙斯是德国航空业最大的金属经销商、储存商及供应商。