- The aesthetic effect was satisfacto ry(100%). Dyract修复牙体缺损,即时美容效果良好,主观满意度达100%25。
- The functional and aesthetic effect of Anthogyr implant system was satisfied. Anthogyr种植系统固定修复牙列缺损具有良好的临床效果。
- In this way, the writer has brought about a lasting aesthetic effect. 同时,小说“追忆过去”式的叙述模式在阅读上产生了一种恒在的美学效果。
- An ordering of all elements in a work of art or literature so that each contributes to a unified aesthetic effect. 调合在艺术或文学作品中所有要素的安排,以使每一要素承担统一的审美效果
- The aesthetic effects of "Xing" differed in degrees. 摘要“兴”的审美效果有高下之别。
- As interior decoration, home textile should stress the art aesthetic effect in its appearance design. 家用纺织品作为室内装饰品,在外观效果设计上,强调艺术美感效果。
- Objective: To investigate the aesthetic effect of incision of cutting off phyma of breast. 目的:探求乳房肿块切除手术中切口选择的美学问题。
- Satisfied result was achieved with additional aesthetic effect of the abdominoplasty and no obvious scar was made over the breast region. 使用这种方法,术后胸口没有明显的疤痕组织,而且获得令人满意的外观,除此之外,患者可以额外得到腹部整形的好处。
- Empathy is the emotional result of harmonious unity of the subject and object, and its aesthetic effect is usually realized by transferred epithets. 移情是主体和客体和谐统一的感情产物,其美学效果在语言表达上往往通过“移就”(英语称转移修饰)辞格体现出来。
- Objective To observe the aesthetic effect of periareolar incision using subcuticular suture and the postoperative sensation of nipple-areloar complex with different incisions. 目的:观察皮内缝合乳晕外周切口的美容效果和切口部位与术后乳头乳晕区感觉的关系。
- Objective In order to get the best aesthetic effect by procelain-fused to metal(PFM)crown, 17 cases of malposed anterior teeth were analyzed on the adults. 目的:笔者以烤瓷熔附金属全冠对17例成人前牙排列不齐的病例进行了治疗分析,以期获得对此类疾病的最佳美容修复效果。
- According to the characteristics of the urban forest area, put forward the evaluate index system of the greenbelt sight aesthetic effect in the urban forest area. 摘要对城市森林小区进行美学景观模糊评判是城市绿化建设的一个重要量化指标。
- It is established on the intuitional insight and pursues the aesthetic effects of non-expressiveness. 妙悟思维是不凭借理性思考而对表现对象的直觉把握和瞬间顿悟;
- A large area forestation along the riverside road has improved aesthetic effects. 滨江路种植大面积的绿化,改变了沿江脏乱差现象;
- Results The combination dentures have good aesthetic effects and mastication function. 结果:联合可摘局部义齿具有良好的美观效果及咀嚼功能。
- Conclusion The autologous conchal cartilage and subcutaneous fascia tissue graft can protect the nasal tip skin and improve the aesthetic effect,this technique is useful in nasal tip plasty. 结论:应用耳郭软骨皮下筋膜组织复合物可保护鼻尖皮肤,鼻尖塑形满意,值得推广应用。
- The author, analyzing the use of repetition and symmetry in English proverbs-their rhetorical form, function and aesthetic value, makes us know the aesthetic effect and psychological function of the two rhetorical figures. 重复与对称是英语谚语中的两种重要的修辞手段。 本文通过对重复与对称这两种修辞手段在英语谚语中的表现形式、修辞功能以及美学价值的探讨,阐明了重复与对称在英语谚语中的作用和审美效应。
- Secondly,huainanzi emphsizes on the aesthetic emotion of literature and art by discussing the idea of "zhiqing" on three aspects of the character and move and aesthetic effect,which is profoundly influential. 其次,《淮南子》从艺术的特征、艺术的源动力以及艺术的审美效果等三个方面论述了“至情”观,第一次全面突出文艺创作的情感审美特征,其影响深远。
- In Lu Xun's novels,often a single piece of work includes many kinds of tragic aesthetic shapes,which produces abundant complicated aesthetic effects. 在鲁迅小说中,往往是一篇包含着多种悲剧美形态,彼此杂糅交错在一起,产生出丰富复杂的审美效应。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。