- aesthetic sense level 审美感知水平
- He lacks aesthetic sense, and always buys ugly clothes. 他是个美盲,总是买一些非常难看的衣服。
- Pink as a color pleases our aesthetic sense of taste. 粉红色很符合我们的审美感觉。
- An aesthetic sense,an instinct for beauty,is one of the universal attributes of human beings. 美感。即受美的本能,是人类的共性之一。
- An aesthetic sense, an instinct for beauty, is one of the universal attributes of human beings. 美感。 即受美的本能,是人类的共性之一。
- This paper is intended to make a study of the functions and aesthetic sense of" pun" in various situations. 双关语”在具体语境中有幽默、刺和创造意境、写心理等语用功能,“双关语”常借助“语言变异”手段达到一些特殊的语用效果,具有极其重要的美学意义。
- "Aesthetic Sense of Folk Legends about the Mountains and Rivers in Guangxi", Nanning: Guangxi People Publishing House. "广西山水传说探美",南宁:广西人民出版社。
- A major whose aesthetic sense exceeded his judgement decided to have the canisters painted white. 有一位少校由于审美的观念使他失去了判断力,他决定要把这些罐子漆成白色。
- Brush touch is of indeperdent aesthetic Sense and also of great importance to the formation of painting style. 对笔触的研究,是艺术家研究艺术形式,进而形成艺术风格的重要途径之一。
- The essay discusses the aesthetic sense in the theory of Chinese painting in respect of dialectical thinking mode and epistemology. 本文着重从辩证的对立统一思想方法和认识论上谈中国绘画理论中的审美观念。
- The traditional style of Mongolian dance contains the national mod and aesthetic sense of Mongolian people and therefore is full of livingness. 蒙古舞蹈的传统风格中凝聚着蒙古人的民族情怀和审美意识,因此才充满了生命力。
- It is both a materialized "living fossil" of the capital history of Beijing, and a symbol of the cultural Pekinese's aesthetic sense. 它既是物化的北京都城史的一块“活化石”,又是文化的北京人美学意识的象征。
- In the transformation of imagery, the aesthetic sense that embodies the change of language, thinking ways and philosophy plays a great, inherent and deep role. 在诗歌意象现代转换中,体现着语言、思维特征、哲学观念等变化的审美观念的转换,起了重要的、内在的、深层次的作用。
- Rather, a teacher must be caring and patient in helping students fully develop their morality, intelligence, physique, esprit de corps, and aesthetic sense. 的确,在先进科技的年代,学生已经能够通过冷的、硬的机器获得各种各样的知识,从知识的层面来说,他们是不愁没有的。
- Modeling fullness frivolity items, reflecting the flourishing Tang Dynasty imperial porcelain is a life artefacts, but it is also based on the age of people's aesthetic sense to create handicrafts. 器物造型丰满大器,反映出大唐帝国的兴盛瓷器是一种生活日用器皿,同时又是根据各时代人们审美意识创作出的工艺品。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Some kinds of line molds the physique, and also demonstrates respective aesthetic sense characteristic, such as the wavy line, serpentines linear, the bow line, the straight line and so on. 诸如波形线、蛇形线、弓形线、直线等各种线形在塑造形体的同时,也显示出各自的美感特征;
- The whole teaching process involves aesthetic sense in preparation, presentation of lessons, aiming to integrate appreciation and creation to achieve a teaching design full of aesthetic sense. 要有意识地进行审美性备课,创造美丽的教学蓝图,要善于剔除教学过程中的杂乱因素,进行和谐、统一、突出教学重点的审美化教学设计,形成欣赏与创造相结合的审美性讲课。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。