- Her novels,with special structure and art characteristics,present the special aesthetic implications,which reflect the brilliance of mood and emotion. 她的结构新异的小说文本及其艺术特质具有独特的审美意蕴,折射出其情绪和情意的光辉。
- In Buddhism, flying Apsaras is the most popular art with endless aesthetics implications. 其自身作为单独的艺术形象也凸显了一种飞动的线条之美。
- Here with the tongue of sadness to creatures, he writes a tragic, hazy love story, which penetrates classical Japanese aesthetic implication. 在这里,他以“物哀”之笔,饱蘸伊豆风情写下了一个凄婉含蓄而又朦朦胧胧的青春爱情故事,其间无不渗透着日本古典的审美意蕴。
- Being aesthetic target, cicada has extremely rich aesthetics implication. 蝉作为审美对象,在中国古代诗词中,有着极为丰富的美学意蕴。
- Analyzing Receptive Aesthetic Implications of the Theory of Poetic Taste 浅析诗味论的接受美学蕴涵
- The narration subject,through disclosing the change of national cultural psychology when the hero makes the fundamental decision in a cleft stick of war period,displays his aesthetic implication. 这主要体现在对马英的英雄叙事上,叙述主体通过对于其所包蕴的美学意蕴的展示,揭示了抗日战争这样的二元对立的文化语境下,个体在进行二难抉择时所体现出来的民族文化心理的嬗变过程。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- Again, we have to consider the legal implications. 再者,我们还要考虑到法律方面的含义。
- The Aesthetic Implications of "Wander" in Zhuangzi and the Taoist "Wander as Immortal" 从庄子之"游"到道教"游仙"的审美意蕴
- Aesthetic Implications and Historical Origins of "Apricot Flowers, Spring Rain, Jiangnan" "杏花春雨江南"的审美意蕴与历史渊源
- Aesthetic Implications of the Dwellings'Arched Gateways at the Traditional Villages in Huizhou 徽州传统村落民居门楼的审美意蕴
- Study the implications of the president's statement. 研究总统声明的含意。
- The play was an aesthetic success. 这部戏剧是个艺术上的成功
- The object of practice (nature), subject (human) and the activity itself are all emotional, which made Maria aesthetics implicates modern atmosphere. 实践的对象(自然界)、主休(人)以及活动本身,都是感性的。
- The implications of the new legislation will need to be looked at. 新法规的含义需研究一下。
- You may infer from his remarks the implications. 你可以从他的话语中猜测其含义。
- The implications of the discovery involve us all. 该发现所含的意义对我们大家都有影响。
- To me these are not aesthetic experiences at all. 以我之见,这些根本称不上审美体验。
- The implications are many and marvelous. 它的含意是多方面的也是惊人的。
- The implications of this are enormous. 这一情况的含义是非同小可的。