- His aesthetic ideas were his own. 他有他自己的审美观念。
- His ideas are different from traditional aesthetics ideas, and also different from the ideas of the old scholars. It is a combination of utilitarianism and aestheticism. 其美学观既与传统的政教论审美理念相区别,又与旧式文人的所谓纯审美理念相区别,是关于美的功利主义与审美主义的梁式化合。
- Finally, concerning the aesthetics ideas, the paper concluded that Song Dynasty paid attention to the good and the beauty so it represents the appetency. 前者注重善与美的统一,因而造型中更注重亲和力的表达。
- Scriabin's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age, have the characteristics of typical sonata song form. 斯克里亚宾早期奏鸣曲作品的曲式结构反映出古典与浪漫主义时期美学观念与创作手法的影响,具有较典型的奏鸣套曲形式特征。
- Secondly, it marks a leap of American black aesthetic ideas. 其次,这一传统标志着黑人美学思想的飞跃;
- Reynolds established the classicist writing principles, but his aesthetic idea was influenced by the British empiricist aesthetics. 雷诺兹奠定了古典主义艺术创作的法则,但他的美学思想又受到了英国经验主义美学的影响。
- Moreover, the introduction of Bazin’s Documentary Aesthetics also strengthened the realism esthetics idea, and promoted the Chinese movie language renewal. 另外,巴赞纪实美学的引入也强化了现实主义的美学旨趣,并推动了中国电影语言的更新。
- Dong Zhongshu, a great thinker who has profound impacts on the constructs of Chinese cultural ideologies, has plentiful and unique aesthetic ideas. 作为对中华文化心理结构的构成有重大影响的伟大思想家,董仲舒有着极其深刻和丰富的美学思想。
- Murakami's description on sex is the embodiment of Japan's traditional view of sex and lascivious aesthetic ideas. 村上笔下的性描写是日本传统性爱观和好色审美理念的体现;
- Adorno's aesthetic ideas embodied consideration of human beings and anxiety of loss of humanity. 不仅如此,他还找出了自己的解决办法,即艺术的自律。
- His aesthetic ideas embodied the aesthetic idolum of Oscar Wilde and the decadence character of Baudelaire . 他的美学思想中有王尔德的维美主义幻象,也有波德莱尔的新奇与颓废。
- The post-modern post-modernist aesthetics as an important part of contemporary Western and broad impact of a significant aesthetic ideas, in many post-modernist literature has been reflected. 摘要后现代美学作为后现代主义的一个重要组成部分和当代西方具有广泛影响的一股重要美学思潮,在很多后现代主义文学作品中得到了体现。
- Mozart himself was also a thinker with a unique personality, and his aesthetic ideas to penetrate every area of his work. 莫扎特本人也是一个有着独特个性的思想家,他的美学思想渗透到他作品的每个领域。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- But the confusion of aesthetic idea leads artists to think the non-weird art of shock,ugly and absurdity as weird art. 但美学观念上的混乱,又导致艺术家将震撼、丑恶和荒谬等非怪诞当成怪诞艺术追逐。
- Aquinas's aesthetic thought carries forwards the tradition of Greece as the conclusion and deepening of the medieval aesthetic ideas. 阿奎那的美学思想继承了古希腊的传统,是中世纪美学思想的总结和深化。
- So with"stay white" of a kind of oriental esthetics idea control of rhythm, show everyone's manner. 这样就以一种东方人的“留白”美学观念控制的节奏,显出大家风范。
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意压制所有与他相左的意见。
- These five I have designed the different style graph, hoped that adapts each esthetic idea person appreciation. 这五把我设计了不同风格的图形,希望适应各种审美观念的人欣赏。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。