- The dilemma of dandyism deeply reflects the paradox of aesthetic modernity. 纨绔主义的困境,深刻反映了审美现代性中的矛盾命题。
- His ideology concentrated on the contradiction of aesthetic modernity. 他的思想集中传达了审美现代性的悖论。
- This text proceeds from this kind of current situation, examine the modern meaning of aesthetics of Schiller closely again under the aesthetic modernity vision . 本文就是由此现状出发,在审美现代性视野下重新审视席勒美学的现代意义。
- Only by so doing, can one judge on the possibility of survival of modernity and aesthetic modernity. 只有如此,人们方能实事求是地判断现代性与审美现代性存活的可能性。
- Heidegger's view of aesthetic modernity is an offspring from the western context. 摘要海德格尔审美现代性思想是西方现代思想语境的产物。
- Zong Baihua's Study on Chinese aesthetic modernity is connected with his study on Goethe. 摘要宗白华对于中国审美现代性问题的思考,是与其对歌德的研究相结合的。
- In some sense, the city described by Maugham presents the characteristics of aesthetic modernity. 从这个意义上说,毛姆笔下的城市就具备了现代性的审美特质。
- Heidegger's aesthetic modernity thought was an offspring of the western modernity Context. 摘要海德格尔审美现代性思想是西方现代性思想发展的产物。
- The distinctiveness connoted in Shen's creations can be sufficiently revealed if we explain his creations from the viewpoint of aesthetic modernity. 须从审美现代性的维度去解读沈氏创作,其创作所内蕴的独异性才能得到充分的揭示。
- By stating that "refinement" is an aesthetic metaphor, the counteraction of aesthetic modernity to social modernity is unfolded. 指出“文”是一种充满审美意味的隐喻,体现了审美现代性对社会现代性的反拨。
- In this thesis, modernity is a category of culture and aesthetics, referring to the aesthetic modernity posited by the 20th century modernist culture and art. 本文的现代性是一个文化和美学的概念,即指相对于20世纪现代主义文化和艺术而言的审美现代性。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- This character, together with the secular modernity, enlightening modernity, reflectional modernity and aesthetic modernity, constitute the multiple aspects of modernity. 这一特性与世俗现代性、启蒙现代性、反思现代性、审美现代性等,共同构成现代性的多重因素。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- Chinese literary world used historic modernity to explain aesthetic modernity for a long time and as a result of it, Lin Yutang had been ignored even criticized. 林语堂本人或许并不知道何为审美现代性,但是通过他的创作所体现出的文化追求,的确具有这一倾向。
- Oscar Wilde's kitsch typically reflects the distortion of aesthetic modernity which is confronted with the repellence and the assimilation of bourgeois modernity. 它深刻地反映了审美现代性在资产阶级现代性的排斥、冲击、同化等合力作用下所遭遇的曲折与变形。
- From the rational monism of illuminative modernity to the plural axiology of postmodernity, the perception monism of aesthetic modernity serves as a bridge. 从现代性的理性一元论到后现代的多元价值观,审美现代性的感性一元充当了桥梁、过渡的作用。
- We should get out from the cognition pattern of conflict theory, and rewrite aesthetic modernity in a historical logical context of post-modernity-modernity-aesthetic modernity. 我们应该走出冲突论认识模式,将审美现代性放在后现代性-现代性-审美现代性的历史逻辑路线中加以重写。
- The discourse production of aesthetic modernity is a process of cognition as well as a process of rewriting in contemporary Chinese literary/aesthetic theories. 摘要在当代中国文艺/美学理论中,围绕审美现代性话语的生产既是一个认识过程,也是一个重写过程。
- The imagery network is born out of Buddha culture, but it is ended with more aesthetic modern meaning. 《野草》中的这个意象网络脱胎于佛家文化,但被鲁迅赋予了更具审美质感的现代意蕴。