- aestival annual plant 一年生植物
- A similar, related Eurasian annual plant(Matricaria recutita). 母菊一种相似的有关联的欧亚大陆一年生植物(母菊母菊属)
- North American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers; grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil. 北美一年生植物,花通常黄色或橙色;主要生长在潮湿酸性土壤中。
- The cultivated soybean is an erect, bushy annual plant of great morphological diversity. 栽培大豆是一种直立、丛生、形态变化很大的一年生植物。
- An Old World annual plant(Lepidium sativum) in the mustard family,cultivated for its edible seedlings and leaves. 家独行菜一种产于旧大陆的十字花科的一年生植物(独行菜属家独行菜),因其有可食用的种子和叶子而被培植
- An annual plant(Cyamopsis tetragonolobus) probably native to India, adapted to semiarid regions and grown as a forage crop and for its seeds, from which guar gum is obtained. 瓜尔豆一种一年生植物(瓜尔豆瓜尔豆属),可能为印度特产,适于在半干旱地区生长,作为饲料栽培,其种子可提炼出瓜尔豆胶
- A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant(Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh. 黄瓜藤一种有卷须的、一年生攀缘或蔓生植物(香瓜属葫芦科黄瓜或胡瓜),因其结有可食用的圆柱形果实而被广泛培植,该果皮呈绿色且有松脆的白色果肉
- An annual plant(Vaccaria pyramidata), native to Eurasia and naturalized in North America and having clusters of deep-pink flowers. 王不留行一种原产于欧亚大陆的一年生植物(王不留行角锥状),后被移植到北美洲,开有深粉红色的花簇
- An annual plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivated in many forms for its edible pods and seeds. 菜豆,四季豆:一年生植物(菜豆菜豆属)因其豆子和种子可食而广泛种植
- An Old World annual plant(Lepidium sativum) in the mustard family, cultivated for its edible seedlings and leaves. 家独行菜一种产于旧大陆的十字花科的一年生植物(独行菜属家独行菜),因其有可食用的种子和叶子而被培植
- An aromatic and medicinal annual plant with blue flowers, borage is believed to have originated in Syria. 有蓝色的花的一棵芳香和药用的一年生植物,琉璃苣应该起源于叙利亚。
- Eurasian annual plant (Kochia scoparia) having narrow, dense foliage that turns bright red. 地肤:一种欧亚草本植物(地肤),枝叶狭窄、密集,在秋天变成红色
- A European annual plant(Lapsana communis)naturalized in eastern North America, having a milky juice and small yellow flower heads. 稻搓菜一种欧洲产的一年生植物(稻搓菜属欧洲稻槎菜),移植到北美洲东部,有奶汁和小的头状花序
- A prostrate, mat-forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata) widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers. 轮生粟米草一种(轮生粟米草粟米草属)属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛分布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿白色花
- A tall tropical Asian annual plant(Abelmoschus esculentus) widely cultivated in warm regions for its edible, mucilaginous green pods. 秋葵一种较高的亚热带一年生植物((秋葵属黄秋葵))。它的可分泌粘液的绿色豆荚可以食用,因而在温带地区广泛种植
- A European annual plant(Lapsana communis) naturalized in eastern North America, having a milky juice and small yellow flower heads. 稻搓菜一种欧洲产的一年生植物(稻搓菜属欧洲稻槎菜),移植到北美洲东部,有奶汁和小的头状花序
- A North American annual plant(Coreopsis tinctoria) widely cultivated for its showy flower heads with yellow rays and purple-red to brownish centers. 金鸡菊一种北美一年生植物(两色金鸡菊金鸡菊属),因其带有黄色伞形花序和紫红到浅棕色花蕊的花冠而被普遍栽培
- An annual plant(Celosia cristata) widely cultivated for its showy, fan-shaped or plumelike clusters of red or yellow flowers. 鸡冠花一种一年生植物(鸡冠花青葙属),因有艳丽的扇形或羽毛状红色或黄色花束而广泛栽培
- An annual plant(Papaver somniferum) native to Turkey and adjacent areas, having grayish-green leaves and variously colored flowers. 鸦片,罂粟:一种一年生植物(罂粟罂粟属)原产于土耳其及其附近地区,长有灰绿色叶子和各种颜色的花
- An annual plant(Vaccaria pyramidata, native to Eurasia and naturalized in North America and having clusters of deep - pink flowers. 王不留行一种原产于欧亚大陆的一年生植物(王不留行角锥状),后被移植到北美洲,