- A heat transfer model consists of the thermal balance of inside air, floor, plants and ventilation effect. 热传模式之项目包括内部空气之热传量,通风量,地面与植物体之热平衡。
- To consider the effect of wall heat transfer, a wall heat transfer model is added into the HCT code. 为考虑壁面传热的影响,在HCT程序中增加了壁面传热子模型。
- The mathematical heat transfer model for conveying and insulating process of CC -slab in HCR was established. 建立了连铸板坯辊道输送和保温坑保温过程传热数学模型,并用实测数据对计算结果进行了验证。
- The two dimensional heat transfer model is used to estimate temperature of hot metal during transport from BF to BOF. 利用二维传热模型对宝钢铁水从高炉到炼钢输送过程中的温度变化进行了仿真模拟计算。
- The comparison of this method with an accurate DISORT-based radiative transfer model has been done. 该反演算法形式简单,只包含很少几个可从卫星测量获得的参数。
- TRAIT: This type test- needle machine is wide range auto transfer model, suitable for big size object like bed clothes etc. 特点:该型检针器系宽幅自动输送式,适用于床上用品等大件物品。
- Simulation of the AHMAD radiative transfer model on determination of the aerosol optical character with water pixel of MODIS image. 该方法首先借助AHMAD辐射传输模型,由MODIS图像的水体像元反演出气溶胶的光学特性;
- A1-D flow discharge model for coolant blow-down and 1-D heat transfer model for afterheat removal aiming at TBM LOCA analysis are developed. 并为中国氦冷固体增殖实验包层模块冷却剂丧失事故(LOCA)分析开发了一维喷放和余热排除计算模型。
- To determine the proper bio-heat transfer model of specific tissue is essential for improving the treatment effect of tumor hyperthermia. 确定适用于特定组织的生物传热模型,对提高肿瘤热疗的效果有重要意义。
- This paper analyzed the product design process from the angle of semiotics and set up a product semiotics transfer model. 从符号学的角度分析了产品设计过程,建立了产品符号传递模型。
- A dynamic heat transfer model based on the lumped parameter method was developed for cooling system of vehicle internal combustion engine. 提出了一个基于集总参数+法的车用内燃机冷却系统动态传热模型。
- Moreover ,a multi component heat and mass transfer model for CFT was developed ,and it was the base of CFT further studying . 并探讨了分凝分馏塔(CFT)的多组分传热传质模型,为进一步研究分凝分馏塔打下初步基础。
- Heat transfer model on the thermal control groupware of thrust chamber for orbit SN propellant hydrazine thruster is established. 摘要针对5N单组元肼推力器,建立了在轨运行过程中推力室热控组件的传热模型;
- The new proposals affect both clergy and laity. 新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。
- Establishes a heat transfer model of floor con struction for the radiant floor heating system, numerically solves the model wit h the finite difference method. 建立了低温地板辐射供暖系统的传热数学模型,应用有限差分法对数学模型进行了求解;
- It was reasonable in practice that melting temperatures and viscosities of fluxes were calculated by heat transfer model,which laid a theoretical foundation for research on flux. 利用数值仿真建立的传热数学模型确定的保护渣熔化温度,粘度被实践证明是合理的,这为保护渣的研究提供了理论依据。
- These policies will affect non-whites especially. 这些政策对非白种人的影响特别大。
- A transfer model and a model which calculates the steady state ink film thickness in an inking system as a function of coverage percentage was developed. 针对印版图文覆盖率对墨层厚度及着墨率的影响进行了研究。
- This paper based on the interaction theory mechanism of laser-biotissue,the 2-D heat transfer model of laser-irradiated invitro human skin-tissue was established. 基于激光与生物组织相互作用的机理,建立了强激光辐照离体人皮肤组织的二维传热模型。