- Finally,the processing of the affect system is also explo... 最后探讨了感情系统的加工特征。
- Factors that affect system speed include the triggering time of the hardware, the relay actuation and settling times, and software overhead. 影响系统速率的因素包括硬件的触发时间、继电器的动作和稳定时间,以及软件开销。
- You can use baselines to measure performance changes and to detect problems that affect system performance. 可以使用基线测量性能更改和检测影响系统性能的问题。
- The only time virtual log files affect system performance is if the log files are defined by small size and growth_increment values. 只有当日志文件使用较小的size和growth_increment值定义时,虚拟日志文件才会影响系统性能。
- Do not leave your protocol logging on continuously because it may cause bottlenecks in disk space, which can affect system performance. 请不要一直打开协议日志记录,因为它可能导致磁盘空间瓶颈,从而影响系统性能。
- Discover how the characteristics of processor architecture can contribute to software defects that affect system security. 了解处理器架构特点如何造成影响系统安全性的软件缺陷。
- So it should have a more convenient, spiteful, useful, and high affect system software to help teachers to complete the task of management. 因此需要一套方便,快捷,实用,高效的系统软件来帮助教师完成管理任务。
- Because an incremental population runs in the background the same way a full population does, frequent updates do not significantly affect system response time for users. 由于增量填充使用和完全填充相同的方式在后台运行,因此频繁的更新不会显著影响用户的系统响应时间。
- The course considers the characteristics of modern processors that affect system architecture, but does not provide detailed coverage of their internal microarchitecture. 在介绍多处理器时,作者不仅讲述了处理器的性能,而且还介绍了处 理器性能之外的其他设计要素,包括功耗、可靠性、可用性和可信性等。
- We want you to realize your impact and the power you have to affect systems. 我们希望你们了解你们的影响和你们的力量已经影响了系统。
- Using lumped mass model, we construct dynamic equation of the flexible arm as well as its Simulink model. Using Simulink model, we analyze how Coulomb friction, motor inertia and reduction ratio of gear affect system performance. 采用集中质量模型建立了柔性手臂的动力学方程及其Simulink模型,利用Simulink模型仿真分析了库仑摩擦力、电机转子惯量和齿轮减速比对系统性能的影响。
- As users increase and the bandwidth to pulse repetition frequency(PRF) decreases in UWB-MA communication,multiple-access interference(MAI) is expected to adversely affect system capacity and performance. 在超宽带(UWB)通信系统里;当用户数增加和脉冲重复频率下降时;多址干扰会严重影响系统容量和性能.
- Absorption temperature, exchanger efficiency, generation temperature, condensation temperature can affect system's COP , the reflux ratio of evaporator, gas-emission scope and exergetic efficiency. 发现吸收温度、换热器效率、发生温度、冷凝温度对系统性能系数、蒸发器回流比、放气范围、灯用效率有一定影响.
- By sending a malformed request, it is possible to carry out a buffer overrun attack against an affected system. 通过发送不良请求,恶意用户可能会对受影响的系统发动缓冲区溢出攻击。
- The results of this oversight can severely affect system efficiency and longevity, and render the filtration system useless when high viscosity fluid causes the filter to be in constant bypass. 结果,这个监督可以严重影响系统的效率和寿命,并提供过滤系统无用时,高粘度流体通过过滤器的旁路。
- Answer: Some people think it is better to disable the ability to load device drivers using modules, because an intruder could load a Trojan module or a module that could affect system security. 回答:有些人认为禁止商用模块加载设备驱动会更好一些;因为入侵者有可能会加载木马模块或影响到系统安全的模块.
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The new proposals affect both clergy and laity. 新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。
- PGE 1 nebulization can selectively dilate pulmonary vascular, reduce MPAP and PVR of oleid-acid induced ALI dog models, and rapidly improve PaO 2 and PaO 2/FiO 2 without affecting systemic hemodyanmic. 雾化吸入PGE1 可选择性扩张肺血管 ,降低油酸型ALI犬MPAP和PVR ,迅速提高PaO2 /FiO2 ,且不影响体循环