- Objective: To investigate the relationship between the climate factors and the prevalence of affective disorders. 目的:探讨气候因素与情感性精神障碍患病率间的关系。
- Results For those with dementia praecox, affective disorders, and relapse mania at early hos... 结论在患者入院初期不宜探视,在病情稳定期和康复期的探视也有必要限制。
- Objective: To explore the relationship between personality and change of clinical phase of affective disorders. 目的:探讨人格特征与心境障碍临床相演变的关系。
- Psychiatric, especially depression, which has a very high concordance with insomnia, and which also covers other affective disorders and psychosis. 精神病性失眠。尤其是抑郁症引发的失眠,抑郁症与失眠有很高的关联性。其他因素包括情感障碍、神错乱等。
- This study is to understand psychiatric patients' ingoing and pectoral experiences of affective disorders in their real world and fantastic episodes. 摘要:本研究利用叙事取向口述历史的方式,针对情感型疾患病友做访谈,这三位病友之诊断别为双极性疾患。
- BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence for an association between alterations of brain glutamatergic neurotransmission and the pathophysiology of affective disorders. 背景:越来越多的证据表明情感性精神障碍的病理生理学与大脑谷氨酸能递质的改变之间存在联系。
- Method:189 patients with first-episode affective disorders were divided into extroversion type,middle type and introversion type according to their personality features. 方法:将189例首发心境障碍患者按病前人格特征分为外向型、中间型和内向型三组,随访5年。
- Thereinto, the positive rate of the BDV p24 fragment inneuropsychiatric disorders was 5.7%, and negative results in multiplesclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, affective disorders, and normal controls. 吉兰-巴雷综合征(慢性炎症性脱髓鞘性多神经病)组阳性率(6.;67%25)高于对照组,但差异无显著性意义(P>0
- The earliest work to suggest a link between BDV and human mental illness came from a serologic survey in 1985 of 285 patients with affective disorders in the United States, 694 psychiatric patients in Germany, and 200 healthy controls. 最早提示人类神经精神疾病与BDV感染有关的证据是来自1985年运用间接免疫荧光法所进行的血清学调查,该调查涉及美国的285例情感障碍病人和德国的694例精神病人以及200例健康对照,结果美国病人中有12例(4.;3%25),德国病人中有4例(<1%25)呈现血清阳性反应,而对照组无一例阳性。
- Useful clinical experiences can be valuble to the questions about the young people, the love and marriage and the family, affective disorders, neurosis , nervosa , insomnia and so on . 针对青少年成长问题、婚恋及家庭问题、抑郁症、强迫症、焦虑症、疑病症、躯体化障碍等神经症,以及摄食、睡眠障碍等精神心理疾病,本着个性化的治疗原则,积累了丰富的临床经验。
- Relating to a major affective disorder that is characterized by episodes of mania and depression. 与一种主要由感情引起的精神失常有关的,其特点为躁狂与抑郁并发
- The Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), is a group of symptoms of mood disorders or affective disorders, with long-last depressive feelings as the central feature. 抑郁症是有各种原因引起的以抑郁为主要症状的一组心境障碍或情感性障碍,是一组以抑郁心境的自我体现为中心的临床症候群。
- Major depressive disorder( MDD) is also known as a mood disorder, or affective disorder. 主要抑郁紊乱又称为心情紊乱,情感失调。
- Serum thyroid hormones in patients with affective disorder before and after treatment? 情感性精神障碍治疗前后血清甲状腺激素水平的对照观察?
- In fact, those who have been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder show a lack of melatonin and often require supplements in the form of pills or light therapy. 事实上,那些被确诊为季节性情绪紊乱的人表现为缺乏褪黑激素,他们经常通过服药或光疗来补充它。
- Method:Both patients with bipolar of unipolar depressive episode affective disorder had 30 cases each. 方法:对双相情感障碍抑郁相和单相抑郁发作患者各30例进行临床分析。
- Major depressive disorder( MDD) is also known as a mood disorder, or affective disorder . 主要抑郁紊乱又称为心情紊乱,情感失调。
- Then she read about seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression that occurs in fall and winter. 而后她阅读得知季节性情感紊乱:发生在秋季和冬季抑郁的一种形式。
- A mild affective disorder characterized by alternating periods of elation and depression. 躁郁症患者一种精神上的狂乱,其特点为愉快情绪与抑郁情绪交替出现
- schedule for affective disorders 情感障碍评分表