- The teacher told him to stay behind after class. 老师要他下课後先别走。
- Please wait behind after class today. 今天课後请你留下。
- The students flocked round their teacher after class to ask many questions. 下课后学生们聚集在老师身边问了许多问题。
- One of the most demanding and challenging motor sport competitions. 最为费力和最具挑战性的赛车比赛之一。
- I have heard something very funny. I'll let you in on it after class. 我听到一件很滑稽的事。下课后告诉你。
- I’ll run you back home after class. 下课后我用车把你送回家。
- Beijing has the experience of hosting many large-scale sport competitions. 北京具有举办大型运动会的经验。
- It must be handed in after class. 课后必须交。
- D. Beijing has the experience of hosting many large-scale sport competitions. 第四,北京具有举办大型运动会的经验。
- Shall I send him to a private school after class? 是不是该送他去私立补习班?
- We often do some questions and answers after class. 课后我们常做问答练习。
- After class, the teacher took Alice to one side. 下了课,老师把艾丽斯叫到一边。
- What are you planning to do after class today? 今天下课后你打算做什么?
- I want to have a word with you after class. 下课后我有话对你说。
- We have all kinds of activities after class. 课后我们有各种各样的活动。
- You needn't erase the backboard after class. 课下你不必擦黑板。
- In high summer, a large screen is erected for film screenings, while gigs, recitals, performances and sport competitions have been performed in the stony depths. 盛夏时节,这个铺满石头的泳池底部会举办各种演出活动和运动比赛,还会支起巨大的银幕投放电影。
- The teacher asked the students to read the text aloud after class. 教师叫学生们在课后朗读课文。
- We usually hang out in the common after class. 我们放学后通常会在广场上消磨时间。
- After class,the teacher took Alice to one side. 下了课,老师把艾丽斯叫到一边。