- She was married against her will. 她结婚是有违本意的。
- She was forced to marry against her will. 她被迫违背自己的心愿嫁了人。
- It's against her will that she had to walk the streets. 她出卖肉体是迫不得已。
- But what had charmed her in it would still charm her, even though it were against her will. 但是过去入迷的东西还会使她重新入迷,尽管那不合乎她的主观意愿。
- Oh, to have to sit here, a wallflower against her will and see Fanny or Maybelle lead the first reel as the belle of Atlanta! 啊,如今只能强制自己坐在这里当墙花,眼看范妮或梅贝尔作为亚特兰大的美人儿领跳第一场双人舞了!
- Starr was particularly criticized for forcing Monica Lewinsky's mother to testify against her will. 斯塔尔特别受到指责的是,他强迫莱温斯基的母亲违心地作证。
- Katerina doesn't let him call or visit their home.But Rudolf comes against her will when Gosha, Katerina and Alexandra are having dinner. 凯特琳娜不让他来自己家,但鲁道夫违背了她的意愿,在凯特琳娜,寇莎和亚历山德拉吃饭时闯了进来。
- As Carrie looked out upon the flying scenery she almost forgot that she had been tricked into this long journey against her will and that she was without the necessary apparel for travelling. 当嘉莉望着窗外飞逝而过的景色对,她几乎忘了自己是被起来作这次违心的长途旅行的,也忘了她没带旅行的必需用品。
- Her father was dead set against her marrying Tom. 她父亲坚决反对她嫁给汤姆。
- How can you subject her will to your own? 你怎么可以要她服从你的意愿呢?
- I want revenge against her on more scores than one. 我有种种理由要向她报复。
- In her will she left all her money to her children. 她在遗嘱中将其所有的钱留给子女。
- She felt that the whole world was against her. 她觉得人人都跟她作对。
- She appealed against her suspension. 她对被停职一事已经上诉。
- She turned against her old friend. 她与老朋友反目成仇了。
- She added a codicil to her will just before she died. 她临终前在遗嘱上加了附录。
- Her past record counts against her. 她过去的经历对她不利。
- A cat brushed against her leg in the darkness. 黑暗中,一只猫蹭着了她的腿。
- My mother put me down for dollars150,000 in her will. 我妈妈在她的遗嘱中指名给我150000美元。
- In her will she left all her money to her granddaughter. 她在遗嘱中将所有的钱都留给了她的孙女。