- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 这次争论没有引起公众丝毫的兴趣。
- These features operate against the public interest. 这些特性将会影响公众利益。
- Public interest centres on the outcome of next month's by-election. 公众的兴趣集中在下个月补缺选举的结果上。
- Public interest centres on the outcome of next week's by-election. 公众的注意力集中在下周的补选结果上。
- Acting against public order or good morals. 有违公序良俗者。
- against public interest [法] 与公共利益抵触
- Public interest centred on the peace proposal. 公众把注意力集中在和平建议上。
- Restrictive practices are presumed to operate against the public interest. 限制竞争协议将会对公众利益不利。
- When seeking to further the public interest. 三基於公共利益之考量者。
- That will be the main public interest in Google. 那将是谷歌的主要公共利益所在。
- It is a matter of great public interest. 这是一个公众普遍关心的问题。
- Public interest brought about the naissance of the state theater. 公众的兴趣促使国家剧院的产生。
- The court case has excited a lot of public interest. 这案件引起了公众的广泛兴趣。
- We've had no public disorders in five years, since we instigated the local law against public gatherings. 自从我们这里实施禁止公众集会的法令以来,我们这里已经五年没有发生聚众闹事的骚乱事件了。
- Any harmful conduct to the public interest must not be permitted. 都应该制止。
- Objective To improve the emergency rescue measures against public health events. 目的完善突发公共卫生事件的应急救援措施。
- It is in the public interest that these facts are made known. 公开这些真相是为了公众的利益。
- Schools are riding a wave of renewed public interest. 各校重新受益于公众的关注。
- Remark which is honestly made on a matter of public interest and so is not defamatory. 对某一公众利益的事发表诚实的议论,因此不构成诽谤
- Research has also been conducted in preventive legislation to enhance the legal system against public office-related crimes. 强化预防法制宣传教育,增强预防意识,研究预防立法,推进预防职务犯罪法制进程。