- They are embroiled in a war against their will. 他们违背自己的意愿卷入一场战争之中.
- Don't hold users against their will, but be brave to break old habit. 不要违背用户的意愿,但要敢于破坏原有习惯。
- Men may be convinced, but they cannot be pleased, against their will. 你可以使人相信一件违背他心意的事,但无法使他欣然接受。
- Against their will, the people had to stand for hours in the hot sun. 这些人不得不不情愿地在酷日下站几个小时。
- Almost against their will,the crowd were swept along by the speaker's convincing-sounding words. 人群不自觉地被演讲者那很有说服力的话所折服。
- Almost against their will, the crowd were swept along by the speaker's convincing - sounding words. 人群不自觉地被演讲者那很有说服力的话所折服。
- He who beholds the gods against their will, shall atone for it by a heavy penalty. 谁违背神的意志看见了神,就要受到重罚以赎罪。
- Involuntary resettlement Movement of peoples away from their normal place of abode against their will. 非自愿移民使居民非自愿地从原来的正常居住地迁走。
- Iron Hand: There are technicians with them in Ravenholm. They were brought against their will and we want them alive. 铁拳:村子会有技术人员到达。他们会帮助我们挫败敌人的计划,我们必须保护他们。
- Genarally, the young should defer to the opininons of then elders, even though such deference could be against their will. 通常,年轻人应遵从老年人的意见,尽管这种听从可能是不情愿的。
- This implies that people with this aspect may be lured into sex against their will. 这暗示着有这一相位的人可能在违背他们自己的意愿下,被引诱发生性关系。
- Genarally,the young should defer to the opininons of then elders,even though such deference could be against their will. 通常,年轻人应遵从老年人的意见,尽管这种听从可能是不情愿的。
- Motherhood is a bane almost by definition, or at least partly so, as long as women are forced to be mothers--and only mothers--against their will. 只要妇女仍然在违背自己意愿的情况下被迫承担母亲这一角色--而且仅仅是这一角色,那么母亲一词对她们来说几乎就是毁灭的同义词,或至少部分相同。
- Finally, the U. N. has demanded the release of all foreign nationals held hostage against their will and in contravention of international law. 最后,联合国要求释放不顾他们意愿并违反国际法规定被扣留为人质的所有外国人。
- That armed action occurred on the same day that 67 Hmong from Ban Huay Nam Khao were repatriated apparently against their will from Thailand to Laos. 这一军事行动发生在同一天,来自67个苗族禁止越南拷才华被遣返显然违背自己的意愿从泰国向老挝。
- The Chatter format included developing methods for acquiring information from people against their will, but without inflicting harm or pain. 洽谈内容包括开发出从违反他们意愿的人身获取信息的,但没有伤害和痛苦的方法。
- But Gruen's secret was the way he used arcades and eye-level display cases to lure customers into stores almost against their will. 格伦的秘诀就是用多个拱廊和平视展示柜把消费者引诱到商店中,尽管这几乎违背顾客的意愿。
- But Gruen’s secret was the way he used arcades and eye-level display cases to lure customers into stores almost against their will. 至今,购物中心的故事正在没落。
- They trot exactly like marionettes; They drag themselves along like wounded animals, Or dance, against their will, poor little bells Pulled constantly by a heartless Demon! 她们像牵线木偶一样小跑着,她们像受伤的动物一样拖着脚步,或者不由自主地摇晃起来,这些可怜的小铃铛,被一个无情的魔鬼不停地扯动!
- This, of course, was but another way of revolting against feudalism, which forced boys and girls to marry against their wills. 当然,这也是对迫使男女青年违背自己意愿去结合的封建主义进行反抗的一种方式。