- Item and two aggregate functions. 项和两个聚合函数。
- Is a system or user-defined aggregate function. 系统或用户定义的聚合函数。
- Aggregate functions and subqueries are not permitted. 不允许聚合函数和子查询。
- Aggregate functions are used to summarize all the data in a table. 聚合函数用于汇总表中的所有数据。
- Is the name of the aggregate function you want to create. 要创建的聚合函数的名称。
- Grouping criteria, including aggregate functions to use for summary reports. 分组条件,包括用于摘要报告的聚合函数。
- The Count function belongs to a set of functions called aggregate functions. “计数”函数属于一组名为聚合函数的函数。
- You cannot use aggregate functions in a WHERE clause or in a JOIN condition. 您不能在WHERE子句或JOIN条件中使用集合函数。
- You can use aggregate functions in any clause of a SELECT statement. 你能够在任何一个select子句中使用聚合函数。这样翻译对不?
- The SELECT statement contains a join, GROUP BY clause, or aggregate function. SELECT语句包含联接、GROUP BY子句或聚合函数。
- Is the name of the schema to which the user-defined aggregate function belongs. 用户定义聚合函数所属的架构的名称。
- Row aggregate functions (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, and COUNT) are used in a SELECT statement with the COMPUTE clause. 行聚合函数(SUM、AVG、MIN、MAX和COUNT)在SELECT语句中与COMPUTE子句结合使用。
- Remember that Access provides more aggregate functions for queries than it does for the Total row. 请记住,Access为查询提供的聚合函数比为“总计”行提供的聚合函数多。
- The results of a standard GROUP BY with vector aggregate functions produce one row with one value per group. 具有矢量集合函数的标准GROUP BY的结果将生成一行,行中的每一个组都具有一个值。
- Access provides a variety of aggregate functions, including Sum, Count, Avg (for computing averages), Min and Max. Access提供了多种聚合函数,包括Sum、Count、Avg(计算平均值)、Min和Max。
- For an introduction to GROUP BY, see Applying aggregate functions to grouped data. 有关GROUP BY的介绍,请参见将集合函数应用于分组数据。
- For more information about using the other aggregate functions, see Aggregate function reference later in this article. 有关使用其他聚合函数的详细信息,请参阅本文中稍后介绍的聚合函数参考。
- Frequently, you use aggregate functions on grouped data to calculate values such as the sum, average, or count. 通常,对分组的数据使用聚合函数来计算各种值,如总和、平均值或计数。
- The how-to steps use the sample tables in order to help you understand how the aggregate functions work. 操作方法中的步骤使用该示例表帮助您理解聚合函数的使用方法。
- Set the Select property to include the Key property and any aggregate functions you need. 设置Select属性以包含Key属性和所需的任何聚合函数。