- The three smaller parties gained an aggregate of 25 per cent of the vote. 三个小政党获得了总数 25%25 的选票。
- And suburban centres also recorded a bumper Christmas, with a footfall increase of 25 per cent in some. 郊区的购物中心也有着丰盛的圣诞节纪录,有些地方的客流量增加了25%25。
- Trade with Malaysia has risen markedly since 1991 - an average of 25 per cent per annum - and to the extent that you are now our tenth largest trading partner. 自一九九一年开始,我们与马来西亚的贸易额显着增长,每年平均增加百分之二十五,至今,贵国已成为我们第十大贸易夥伴。
- It accounts for 25 per cent of all traffic accidents. 它占所有交通事故的25%25。
- DWC retained 10 per cent of phase one and 25 per cent of phase two. DWC信息保留百分之十的第一阶段和百分之二十五的第二阶段。
- The Cambodian currency was effectively devalued by 25 per cent. 柬埔寨货币实际上贬值了25%25。
- The US oil group and Shell each own 25 per cent of Gorgon. 埃克森美孚和壳牌分别持有高更项目25%25的股权。
- Last year, as the IOCs held steady at 25 per cent, PetroChina fell to 15. 去年,在国际石油公司守住25%25之际,中石油的回报率降至15%25。
- The upper quartile is that value above which 25 per cent of the observations lie. 上四分位数是25%25的观察值位于其上的值。
- Another big problem is that quite a large proportion (about 25 per cent) of the peasants are short of draught oxen. 不少的一部分农民(大约百分之二十五)缺乏耕牛,也是一个很大的问题。
- We all have small quantities of this on our scalp and skin, but people with dandruff have up to 25 per cent more on their scalp. 我们的头皮和皮肤上都有少量的这种真菌,但头皮屑重的人有超过25%25的这种真菌分布在头皮上。
- Another key proposal is the reduction of serious injuries by 25 per cent over the five years of the strategy. 另外一个重要提案是通过该战略五年的实施把严重受伤率减少25%25。
- It would take Cambodia 15 years to reduce its per capita GDP gap with Singapore by 25 per cent, and 34 years to halve it. 柬埔寨需要15年时间,才能将其与新加坡的人均国内生产总值(GDP)差距缩小25%25,而要将这一差距缩小一半,则需要34年时间。
- Wouldn't the IOC be pleased with all this money coming in, less of course ISL's 25 per cent commission? 就算扣掉ISL应得的25%25回扣,国际奥委会对这些滚滚而来的钞票还不能满意吗?
- This year's autumn harvest is between 20 and 25 per cent larger than last year's,or more than our original estimate of a 20 per cent increase. 今年秋收比去年秋收增加了百分之二十至二十五,超过了增加两成秋收的预计。
- We all have small quantities of this on our scalp and skin,but people with dandruff have up to 25 per cent more on their scalp. 我们的头皮和皮肤上都有少量的这种真菌,但头皮屑重的人有超过25%25的这种真菌分布在头皮上。
- What is the aggregate of goals from the two football matches? 两场橄榄球赛的总进球数是多少?
- He was already balding at the age of 25. 他25岁就秃顶了。
- Each member must pay in gold 25 per cent of its subscription or 10 per cent of its net official gold and dollar holdings, whichever is less. 每一成员国必须用黄金支付25%25的股金,或用官方储备净值和美元财产支付10%25的股金,以较少的金额为支付标准。
- He attained the age of 25 before marrying. 他年届廿五始完婚。