- agricultural credit bank 农业信贷银行
- The reform of Zhuhai Agricultural Credit Cooperative was started last year. 珠海农信社改革工作始于去年。
- They were issuing agricultural credits. 他们正在发放农业信用贷款。
- Based on the data of agricultural credit and agricultural output from 1985 to 2004, we made a demonstrative analysis to their relationship with the help of SPSS software. 摘要根据1985-2004年甘肃省农业信贷和农业总产值的资料,应用SPSS软件,对甘肃省农业信贷与农业产出的绩效作了实证分析。
- In the near future, the German KFM credit bank will send high-level officers to our city for material discussions on the financial cooperation in this project. 近期,德国KFM信贷银行将派高层管理人员赴我市,就金融合作进行实质性洽谈。
- Think of the fortunes made in the wake of America's savings-and-loan debacle, or by the acquirers of Japan's Long-Term Credit Bank, since renamed Shinsei. 想想在美国储蓄与信贷危机后催生的财富,以及收购日本长期信贷银行(并更名为新生银行)时聚敛的钱财吧。
- The 2nd phase comes from 1985 1990, agricultural credit cast off what pure support commissariat produces to manacle, made policy of credit of rural industry, area, support.. 第二阶段从1985年至1990年,农业信贷摆脱了单纯支持粮食生产的束缚,制定了农村产业、区域信贷政策,支持...
- P Morgan (1997) based on Var, the KMV model based upon option theories established by KMV Company, and through the Credit Risk Model developed by the Swiss Credit Bank based on the insurance calculating methods. P Morgan(1997)建立的以Var为基础的信用风险度量模型(Credit Metrics),KMV公司建立的以期权理论为基础的KMV模型和瑞士信贷银行建立的以保险精算方法为基础的Credit Risk模型,对住房信贷的风险进行分析。
- In order to guarantee the enforcement of agricultural credit,further adjustment should be made to the working mechanism of local agricultural credit,so that the performance of agricultural output can be improved. 为了保证农业信贷实施的效果,需对甘肃省农业信贷的配置机制作进一步的调整,依此提高农业产出的绩效。
- Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan Ltd., J.LTC 为首的美国财团收购了日本长期信用银行
- African Regional Agricultural Credit Association; 非洲区域农业信贷协会;
- In Swiss banking, the big commercial bank of 5 privately owned that takes regnant place is: Vaux bank mixes credit bank of company of Swiss combination bank, Switzerland bank, Switzerland, Switzerland company of Lai blame bank. 在瑞士银行业中,占统治地位的5家私营大商业银行是:瑞士联合银行、瑞士银行公司、瑞士信贷银行、瑞士沃克斯银行和莱尤银行公司。
- African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association 非洲农村与农业信贷联合会
- Agricultural Credit Ask for Reform Regulation 小额信贷问题依旧
- Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 联邦中期信贷银行
- agricultural credit intermediary 农业信贷中介机构
- International Confederation for Agricultural Credit 国际农业信贷联合会
- She extremely deprecates bank's credit to the enterprises. 她极力反对银行贷款给那些企业。
- A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。
- Financial Institutions include banks, savings deposit agencies of postal office, housing saving banks, unban credit cooperative banks, rural credit cooperatives, urban credit banks, financial trust investment agencies and financial companies ect. 注:金融机构包括人民银行、策性银行、有独资商业银行、政储蓄机构、他商业银行、市合作银行、村信用社、市信用社、托投资公司、赁公司、务公司等。