- Industrial waste and sewage, agricultural pollution and shipping discharges were to blame for the river's declining health, experts said. 专家说,工业废水和垃圾,农业污染和船只排放物被指责为破坏长江水源的祸首。
- Agricultural pollution has a tridimension character of the complicated cycling system composed of water, soil, biosystem and atmosphere. 由于农业污染呈现水体、土地、生物、大气的大循环体的立体污染的特点。
- The research comes as the Queenland state government in Australia announces a new plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef from agricultural pollution. 该调查来自澳大利亚昆士兰州,该州政府宣布了一项旨在保护珊瑚礁免受农业污染的新计划。
- The research comes as the Queensland state government in Australia announces a new plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef from agricultural pollution. 调查同样在澳大利亚昆士兰州进行,政府宣布了一个新的计划保护巨大的珊瑚礁屏障免受农业污染的危害。
- Agricultural pollution problem is faced with agricultural development has become restricing "bottleneck" of agri-cultural sustainable development. 农业发展面临的农业污染问题,已成为制约农业可持续发展的“瓶颈”。
- We will also protect underground drinking water sources through economic restructuring,water saving,agricultural pollution preventing,and urban wastewater treatment system improving,etc. 结合调整经济结构、节约用水、农业污染防治、城市污水处理系统完善等工作,保护地下水饮用水源。
- Piggery wastewater is a significant agricultural pollutant resources. 养猪场废水是农业重大污染源。
- We will also protect underground drinking water sources through economic restructuring, water saving, agricultural pollution preventing, and urban wastewater treatment system improving, etc. 结合调整经济结构、节约用水、农业污染防治、城市污水处理系统完善等工作,保护地下水饮用水源。
- At first, this dissertation has introduced the background on which the problem of agricultural pollution arises and indicated the imminence and necessity of disposing agricultural pollution. 本文首先介绍了农业污染问题产生的背景,指出了农业污染治理的紧迫性和必要性。
- prevention of agricultural pollution 农业面源污染
- agricultural pollution in wide area 农业面源污染
- non-point agricultural pollution 农业面源污染
- agricultural pollution treatment 农业污染处理
- Agricultural pollution in many aspects 农业面源污染
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- The actualities and causes of non-point pollution of agriculture in China was analysised in this paper,and the countermeasure of controlling non-point agricultural pollution was brought forward. 本文就我国农业面源污染现状、成因进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了控制和治理污染的对策。
- Man is fighting a battle against pollution. 人类正在与污染作斗争。
- Pollution is still very much a live issue. 污染现象仍然是当前的大问题。
- That state is classed as an agricultural area. 该州被划为农业区。