- Japanese Agricultural Policy in Manchuria. 日本在满洲的农业政策。
- Agriculture policy in our country should be focused on helping peasants improve output and increase their income. 支持主产区农民收入增长和粮食生产,应当成为我国农业政策的重点,国家农业政策的重点应向粮食主产区倾斜。
- WTO negotiations on trade liberalization have been largely deadlocked since 2003 due to the disagreement over agriculture policy. 由于在农业政策方面存在分歧,世贸组织贸易自由化谈判从2003年以来基本处于僵局。
- Better still, farmers can plant biofuel crops on “set aside” fields, land that Europe's agriculture policy would otherwise require be left fallow. 更好的是,农民可以在“搁置”地上种植生物燃料作物,欧洲的农业政策曾要求这些地休耕。
- Agricultural policy 2011 - hang on, liberalise or economise? 外文期刊 Agrarpolitik 2011 - verharren, liberalisieren oder sparen?
- The innovation of agriculture policy finance is realized by increasing the kinds of its loans, expanding the scope of its loans, improve the quality of its staff and computerizing its business. 农业政策性金融创新是通过增加贷款种类、扩大贷款范围、提高员工素质、业务电子化与网络化等途径来实现的。
- President Sarkozy has been speaking of the need to reform and modernise the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and Alain fears that if reform touches his sheep farm, he will be out of business. 总统Sarkozy先生曾谈及共同农业政策有改革及现代化的必要,这让Alain担心要是改革关系到他的养羊场,他将会面临失业的问题。
- An inadvertent agricultural policy miscalculation can also be costly. 农业政策上一个无意的失误,也会招致昂贵代价。
- Strong agricultural services system, do a good job in agriculture, state support is a long-term protection of important agricultural policy. 强农业服务体系建设,搞好农业服务,是国家支持保护农业的一项长期重要政策。
- The two farmers reminisced about the good old days before the EEC agricultural policy. 这两位农夫回忆起欧洲经济共同体农业政策以前的那些美好日子。
- The French reserved absolutely the right to decide their own agricultural policy. 法国人完全保留了决定自己农业政策的权利。
- So why do countries not tear down their agricultural policies? 那么,为什么各国不放弃自己的农业政策呢?
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Probing into Agriculture Policy Bank Transformation 农业政策性银行转型问题探析
- Agricultural policy has been far more effective in increasing output than in reducing it. 农业政策对于增产的作用始终大于减产。
- Secondly, a significant reform of agricultural policy had been carried out in China. 这就大大促进了农村经济的发展。
- I know nothing about agriculture. 我对农业一窍不通。
- European and US countiries agriculture policy 欧美农业政策
- Agricultural policies are compromises both within the sector and between agriculture and other interest groups. 农业政策是农业内部以及农业与其他利益集团间妥协的产物。
- I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。