- air ejector for starting 起动弹射器
- Who is to blame for starting the fire? 这场火灾应该追究谁的责任?
- I'm not sorry he hit you- it serves you fight for starting the fight! 他揍了你我毫不同情——是你先打他的,你挨打活该。
- The media are to blame for starting the rumours. 出现这些谣言; 大众宣传工具难辞其咎.
- Can you use airplane battery for starting? 你能用机上电源启动吗?
- Mr. Smith has a plan for starting a football club. 这真是一个完美的计划。
- For starting and crawl mixed electric appliance. 用于起动,点动混合电器。
- He has no feeling for starting work. 我不想开始工作。
- He was looking for starting shortstop. 他在寻找三垒手。
- This is the series for Start Date. 此系列表示“开始日期”。
- Koerting ejectors for the aeration process. 科尔庭喷射泵曝气工艺用。
- He was blamed for starting a rumor to create trouble. 他因造谣生事而受到谴责。
- Therefore, it has made good preparations for starting to warm up. 所以它已经做好了热身准备出发。
- We listened as he told us his plan for starting a football club. 当他向我们讲要成立一个足球俱乐部的计划时,我们听着。
- Computational model of steam ejector for thermal vapor compression desalination system is set up by application of modified thermal dynamic method. 采用改进热力学法,建立了应用于热压缩蒸馏海水淡化系统的蒸汽喷射器的计算模型。
- Well, anything you think would be useful for starting a household. 你认为对于新家庭有用的东西都可以呀。
- Please use the electricity on airplane for starting. 请用机上电源启动。
- Stand-by a while for starting, an important message for you. 等一会开车,有一份重要电报给你。
- Maximal Flow Rate of Gas Suction by Water Jet Air Ejector 射水抽气器最大吸气流量
- Careless campers were blamed for starting the forest fires. 粗心大意的野营者应负引起森林火灾的责任。(或:引起森林火灾的责任应归咎于粗心大意的野营者。)