- Air Leakage Coefficient and Air Leakage Rate of Air Preheater and Their Relationship 空气预热器的漏风系数、漏风率及相互关系
- air leakage coefficient 漏风系数
- It can prevent air leakage and oil leakage efficiently. 能有效的起到密封,防止漏油、漏气作用。
- Air leakage to the float bowl could result in imbalance of the carburetor. 空气漏入浮子室中,会使化油器不稳定。
- Air leakage of a stopper will cause fire during distilling combustibles. 蒸馏易燃物时塞子漏气引起火灾。
- Be careful when portage, lest the damage of the valve cause air leakage. 在搬运过程中要轻拿轻放,以免碰坏气门嘴,产生漏气。
- In case air leakage occurs, please repair or replace the pneumatic components which may cause the leakage without any delay. 如有漏气现象,应及时修理或更换有关气动元件。
- A simulation case shows that the method can efficiently locate all air leakage points hiding in a ventilation system. 仿真试验表明,该方法能准确推断出通风网络中隐藏的所有漏风点。
- GPIB communication under the environment of LabWindows/CVI in the experiment of air leakage detector was introduced. 介绍了气体测漏实验中基于LabW indows/CVI环境下GPIB通信。
- The problem that the primary air leakage of trisector AH is large arises some domestic customer s attention. 三分仓空气预热器一次风泄漏量偏大,引起国内部分用户的反响。
- The influence of air leakage on the working performance of Humboldt cyclone preheater and the motion of raw meal in it were studied. Smidth新型旋风预热器的物料停留时间分布及其特点,探讨了漏风对旋风预热器内物料运动状况及工作特性的影响,取得了令人满意的效果。
- magnetic field leakage coefficient 磁漏系数
- The patient received thoracoplasty operation due to persistent air leakage .The biopsy specimens revealed existence of multiple silicotic nodules . 患者由于胸管持续气漏因而接受迷你胸廓切开术,病理切片呈现矽结节,因此本病例属于尘肺症中的矽肺症。
- leakage coefficient with no load 空载漏磁系数
- It is indicated that W type ventilation goaf reduces the pressure difference between working face ends, and narrows air leakage range. 指出W形通风采空区明显降低工作面两端风压差,缩小漏风范围的效果。
- Retrograde ventilation is used for Wangjiazhai coal mine, both air leakage and ventilation resistance of the main shaft are largish. 王家寨煤矿为中央并列式通风,漏风量较大,主井通风阻力较大。
- Through analyzing, it is believe that the air leakage from sealing water system of feed water pump leads to the problem. 在机组系统严密性试验合格的前提下,经多次观察,发现是给水泵密封水系统漏空气造成的。
- Air leakage occuring at various Iocations of No. 2 Sintering machine was measured before and affer its intermediate re-pairs. 系统测定了2号烧结机中修前后各部位的漏风情况;
- Retrograde ventilation is used for Wangjiazhai coal mine,both air leakage and ventilation resistance of the main shaft are largish. 王家寨煤矿为中央并列式通风,漏风量较大,主井通风阻力较大。
- If, during the user seal check (fit check), you notice air leakage around the edges of the respirator you should readjust the respirator. 若在佩戴气密性检查过程中发现;有空气从口罩四周泄漏;应重新调整口罩的位置.