- Mouse operation, seen smoking on the mice which point, if the air pollution index too high, it is necessary to open ventilation windows. 鼠标操作,看到老鼠吸烟就点它,如果空气污染指数过高,要点击窗户打开通风。
- The Regional Air Pollution Index is monitoring the results, which can advise you on the general level of pollution in the region. 所有监测结果均会以区域空气污染指数显示,用以通知市民整个地区的每日空气污染水平。
- In 2001, Beijing recorded 185 days (50.7 percent of entire days of the year) with air pollution index equaling or bettering grade II. 告别新世纪第一年的时候,北京得到这样一组数据:2001年,污染指数二级和好于二级的天数达到185天,占全年总天数的50.;7%25。
- The department reports and publishes the results of its air quality measurements each month and an air pollution index and forecast system provides daily information to the public. 环保署每月公布监测站所得的空气质素测量结果,并把结果刊于主要报章上。通过空气污染指数及预报制度,市民每日可以得到最新的空气质素资料。
- Environmental Protection Department: Air Pollution Index - Lists air pollution index readings from monitoring stations around Hong Kong. Provides advice to the public, past records, trends and air quality reports. 环境保护部门:空气污染索引-从在香港附近监视车站的表空气污染索引读物。提供忠告给公众,经过记录,趋势和空气质量报告。
- The principle of forecasting pollution potential index(PPI) and air pollution index(API), the method for prediction of fly ash and some parameters in CAPPS are explained and discussed for answering the questions in operational application of CAPPS. 针对在应用城市空气污染数值预报系统 CAPPS过程中容易出现的疑问 ,对CAPPS模式系统中污染潜势和污染指数的预报原理、模式中一些参数的意义以及扬尘的预报 ,作了进一步的说明和讨论。
- It is proved that the Multi city Numerical Prediction Operational System of Air Pollution Index based on CAPPS can provide useful numerical prediction products for air pollution operational prediction for cities. 说明CAPPS用于国家气象中心多城市污染指数数值预报业务系统 ,能够为城市空气质量业务预报提供有参考价值的数值预报产品
- But muggy air smothered Beijing over the weekend, sending its air pollution index above 100, the maximum level for what officials call the citys blue sky days, or days of acceptable air quality. 但就在措施启动后的第一个周末,北京又笼罩在闷热的空气中,空气污染指数超过了100,这个数字是官方认为能够看见蓝天(也就是空气质量勉强达标)的最高污染水平。
- Air pollution in Beijing reached a high level of 99 on the Air Pollution Index on Friday as a sandstorm from the northwest shrouded the capital in dust, the China News Service reported. 据中国新闻社报道,北京市区13日遭遇了来自西北方的沙尘袭击,当天该市污染指数一度达到99。
- The CAPPS(City Air Pollution Prediction System) was used to simulate the air pollutant index of the primary air pollutants(SO 2 NO x TSP) in Shijiazhuang City . 应用 CAPPS城市大气污染潜势和污染指数预报系统 ,对石家庄市主要大气污染物 ( SO2 、NOx、TSP)的污染指数 ( API )进行模拟分析。
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- Analysis of Air Pollution Index of Jingan District in Shanghai 上海市静安区空气污染指数分析
- Research Of The Air Pollution Index Variation Tenclency Of Harbin 哈尔滨市空气污染指标时间变化规律的研究
- Correlation Between SARS Cases and Air Pollution Index in Beijing 北京市SARS病例数与空气污染指数的相关性探讨
- Forecast of air pollution index based on BP neural network 基于BP网络的空气污染指数预报研究
- Stay inside when the air pollution index reaches very high levels 在空气污染指数极高时留在室内
- Keywords air pollution index;changing rule;meteorologic influence; 空气污染指数;变化规律;气象影响;
- Keywords Air Pollution Index(API) Air Quality Calculational Mode; 空气污染指数(API);空气质量;计算模式;
- Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities. 废气已过视为城市空气污染的原因。
- Keywords CAPPS Air pollution index Numerical prediction.; 污染指数;数值预报;