- air powered servo 气压伺服马达
- The ships required the protection of naval and air power. 船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。
- His strategy is to win the war with air power. 他的战略是以空军制胜。
- Their strategy is to win the war with air power. 他们的战略是靠空军致胜。
- Air power alone cannot win a war. 单靠空军不能赢得战争。
- The ships requiredthe protection of naval and air power. 船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。
- As the existing great power consumption of empty-load or light-load, the bipolar PWM control can be applied only in small or middle power servo control systems. 在轻载或空载时由于存在大的功率损耗,双极性PWM控制只能被应用于中、小功率伺服控制系统。
- Core drill machines can be powered by electric, hydraulic or air power sources. 核心动力的电动钻机器能、水力和空气动力来源。
- One thing this experience shows is the value of sea power and air power. 有一点是为这件事所证明了的,即海军和空军力量的重要性。
- Air Power takes us to the New Mexican desert, home of the most amazing machines on Earth, stealth planes. 一连三集《军力大展示》将会从海、陆、空三方面检阅现今新科技底下产生的军事装备。
- The compressed air powered wrench is capable of providing revert-torque to retrievable bolt end and sustain drag force. 该锚杆回收扳手由压气驱动,在给可回收锚杆的尾部提供反扭矩的同时,还可以承受拉力。
- And with more boots on the ground, he would have been less reliant on air power, with its inevitable risk of big civilian casualties. 有了更多地面部队,他就能少依靠空中力量了,也就减少了导致平民大量死伤这样不可避免的风险。
- A vast industry seattered through a number of states is dependent on expenditures for air power. 散布在许多州的广大工业部门都得依靠空军的经费来维持生产。
- Her air power was in quantity and quality far below even our modest establishments. 它的空军,不论在数量上和质量上甚至比我们编制不大的空军还差得很多。
- The first German aim had been the destruction of our air power; the second was to break the spirit of the Londoner. 德国人的第一个目的是要摧毁我们的空中力量;第二个目的是粉碎伦敦人的斗志。
- A vast industry scattered through a number of states is dependent on expenditures for air power. 散布在许多州的广大工业部门都得依靠空军的经费来维持生产。
- Design of small power servo brushless DC motor driver 小功率伺服无刷直流电机驱动器设计
- The air powered tiltable pillar and two Pneumatic cylindersfor wheel clampingThe self-centering makes it swift and convenient to operate. 气动可倾斜立柱,双重气动机械锁定。具有自定心的功能, 操作快捷方便。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。