- Thus the mill owner may be able to pay a nearby foundry to close down a marginal furnace, to control it beyond SIP requirements, or to move to another air quality control region. 这样一来,工厂主就可以有能力向附近的铸造厂支付一笔钱,以关闭一个赢利不大的炉子,或控制它达到《州实施计划》的规定,或者转移到另外一个大气质量控制区。
- But what if a state is unable to achieve timely attainment of an NAAQS in one of its air quality control regions? 但是如果一个州不能及时达到《全国环境空气质量标准》,并且是在州属空气质量控制区域,那该怎么办呢?
- AQCR (Air Quality Control Region) 空气质量控制区
- air quality control region 大气质量控制区
- Wind system control loop to achieve the new wind and ventilation control, and air quality control. 风系统控制回路实现对新风和排风的控制,以及空气质量的控制。
- The company is the world leader in integrated power plant, in power production services and air quality control systems. 阿尔斯通是集成电厂和能源生产服务以及空气质量控制等领域的全球领先公司。
- Damper Actuators and air quality control 风阀执行器及空气质量控制
- Air quality control measures for clean operating theaters 洁净手术部空气质量的管理对策
- Strengthening air quality control and improving air quality in the city 强化空气质量管理改善城市空气质量
- Simulation Research of Air Quality Control System of New Airliner Cabin 旅客机新型座舱空气质量控制系统仿真研究
- Indoor Air Quality Control Strategy and Case Study of Green Architecture 绿色建筑室内空气质量控制策略及实例分析
- Air Quality Control of Big Railway Passenger Stations and Public Places 铁路大型客运站等公共物业的空气质量管理
- Indoor air quality can be improved efficiently. 可以有效提高室内空气品质。
- Ever wonder how good the air quality is today? 有想过今天的空气有多清新吗?
- Air quality is still within acceptable standards. 空气质素仍符合可接受标准。
- What's the air quality in your place? 你们那里的空气质量怎么样?
- Revise Air Quality Objective now! 请支持修订空气质素指标!
- We are monitoring the air quality. 我们在监测空气质量。
- Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. 我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。