- Based on the evaluation method of indoor air quality by professor Shen Jin - ming, this paper gives an evaluation method of air quality in kitchen. 根据沈晋明教授提出的室内空气品质的评价方法,对厨房内空气质量评价的标准与方法进行了探讨。
- What's the air quality in your place? 你们那里的空气质量怎么样?
- The air quality in the urban areas picked up gradually. 城市空气质量逐步提高。
- The air quality in the city is worse than the countryside. 城市里的空气质量不如乡下。
- Air quality in Hong Kong is typical of any large modern city. 香港的空气质素与其他现代化大都市相若。
- Air quality in Shanghai has improved considerably in recent years. 上海的空气质量在最近几年已经有了很大改进。
- air quality in kitchen 厨房空气品质
- The air quality in 113 was worse than Grade III,accounting for 33.2%. 113个城市空气质量劣于三级,占统计城市数的33.;2%25。
- Hon LAU Kong-wah raised a question on air quality in enclosed railway stations. 刘江华议员就铁路密封式车站内的空气质素提出质询。
- Finally,the strategies for improving air quality in Linfen were discussed. 针对上述原因,提出了有关改善大气质量的措施。
- The Control of Air Quality in Public Kitchen 公共厨房空气品质的控制
- The particulate remains the key pollutant affecting the air quality in China. The annual concentration of the urban particulate in 64.1% of the cities exceeded Grade II. 颗粒物仍是影响我国城市空气质量的主要污染物,64.;1%25的城市颗粒物年均浓度超过国家空气质量二级标准。
- Hon Fred LI raised a question on survey on air quality in markets, in particular, air quality around poultry stalls. 李华明议员就街市的空气质素调查提出质询,特别是有关家禽档附近空气质素的调查结果。
- Increased vehicle transportation would inevitably worsen the already bad air quality in the region. 汽车流量的上升必定令境内本已污浊的空气进一步恶化。
- It is very important to prevent air-cross infection and improve air quality in an icu. 特别监护病房内防止空气交叉感染,改善空气质量是非常重要的。
- Ammonia emission from indoor concrete wall with antifreeze has become a public concern for indoor air quality in China. 含防冻剂的混凝土建筑墙体中释放的氨气是造成室内氨污染的主要因素。
- Rogge has previously said some events in August could be delayed if the air quality in the Chinese city is poor. 罗格以前曾经说过;如果八月份该中国城市的空气状况不佳;有可能推迟一些项目的举办.
- Works to preserve, protect, enhance, and understand air quality and other resources sensitive to air quality in the National Park System. 保护、提高国家公园系统的空气质量的资源。
- I was too awkward to help in kitchen. 我笨手笨脚, 在厨房里帮不上什么忙。
- Essentially this means, that the air purifier may reduce its strength or increase it, depending on the air quality in the room it is being used. 基本上这意味着,空气净化器,它可减少或增加强度,空气质量取决于它使用的房间。