- air quality value forecast 空气质量数值预报
- air quality value 空气质量评价
- The paper improves forecast veracity and guides work of littoral medium and small cities' air quality forecast model. 对沿海地区中小城市今后开展空气质量预报工作具有一定的指导意义。
- From 5 June 2001, the daily report and forecast of the air quality have been released in the new media such as CCTV. 于2001年6月5日起,在中央电视台等新闻媒体上发布47个环保重点城市的空气质量日报和预报。
- From 5 June 2001,the daily report and forecast of the air quality have been released in the new media such as CCTV. 于2001年6月5日起,在中央电视台等新闻媒体上发布47个环保重点城市的空气质量日报和预报。
- Indoor air quality can be improved efficiently. 可以有效提高室内空气品质。
- Ever wonder how good the air quality is today? 有想过今天的空气有多清新吗?
- Air quality is still within acceptable standards. 空气质素仍符合可接受标准。
- What's the air quality in your place? 你们那里的空气质量怎么样?
- Revise Air Quality Objective now! 请支持修订空气质素指标!
- We are monitoring the air quality. 我们在监测空气质量。
- Results can be widely used in ambient air quality analysis, air quality assessment and forecast of urban areas. 该统计结果可广泛用于城区空气环境质量分析、空气环境质量评价及预测。
- The air quality has deteriorated these past few days. 前几天空气质量已下降。
- In the numerical value forecast area,it needn t predefine the mathematical model of the sample data collection. 在数值预测方面,它不需要预选确定样本的数学模型,仅通过学习样本数据即可以进行预测。
- The air quality in the urban areas picked up gradually. 城市空气质量逐步提高。
- Gauss oint ource model is used to forecast the ground concentration of SO2 produced in petrochemical industry and fuzzy mathematics method is used to calculate air quality. 利用高斯点源模型对石油化工行业造成的SO2地面浓度进行预测。利用模糊数学法进行环境空气质量预测。
- Based on the ELMAN neural network, and the method of relevant station history data, a flow difference value forecast model was built. 摘要利用ELMAN神经网络,采用相关站点历史数据逼近的方法,建立了流量差值预测模型;
- The air quality in the city is worse than the countryside. 城市里的空气质量不如乡下。
- Air quality in Hong Kong is typical of any large modern city. 香港的空气质素与其他现代化大都市相若。
- To monitor light, pollution, air quality and traffic flow. 监测公路上的照明、污染、空气质量和车流量。