- Air cell battery 空气电池
- The air cell partition become indistinct. 气房间隔变得不明显。
- One air cell coalesces with another. 气房彼此融合。
- They have dry cell batteries, I suppose. 我想,那一定是装置干电池的。
- Although it is a6 cell battery, but it is small enough to be lighter -- 0.12kg less than 10.2" 6 cell netbook Eee PC 1000H. 不过电池位置设计得不够理想,当我们把电池拆出来时,机身后部份会悬空,容易摇幌。。
- Instruction: air cell is used to rectify excursion of filter cloth and assure normal running of filter cloth. 说明:气囊是用来纠正滤布的偏移,保证滤布的正常运转。
- The air cell is placed on the ancon and wrist,pulse transducer is placed on fingertip. 在肘部和腕部放置气袖,指尖放置脉搏传感器。
- How it works: Unlike the Jarvik 7,the JaMk 2000 does not replace the natural heart. Instead,the tiny pump -- about the size of a C cell battery -- is inserted in the organ's left ventricle,where it boosts blood flow. 工作原理与加维科7号不同的是,加维科Zop号并不取代病人自己的心脏,而是将C电池大小的小型水泵装人左心室,在那里它可刺激血液的流动。
- How it works: Unlike the Jarvik 7, the JaMk 2000 does not replace the natural heart. Instead, the tiny pump -- about the size of a C cell battery -- is inserted in the organ's left ventricle, where it boosts blood flow. 工作原理与加维科7号不同的是,加维科Zop号并不取代病人自己的心脏,而是将C电池大小的小型水泵装人左心室,在那里它可刺激血液的流动。
- The invention discloses a pillow with the adjustable thickness and comprises a pillow body, which is internally provided with an inflatable and deflatable air cell and a switch. 本发明公开了一种可以调节厚度的枕头,它包括枕头本体,所述枕头本体内设置有可充气放气气囊和开关。
- Corrosives such as acids, alkalis, mercury and wet cell batteries and apparatus containing mercury. 腐蚀剂,如酸、碱、水银、湿电池和包含水银的设备。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Pink rabbit silicone fingervibe with removable mini vibe. Total dimension: approx.3.4"(8.5 cm). Comes with3 button cell batteries. 这款粉红色的小兔手指调情棒带有微型的振荡器。尺寸:3*.;5厘米,带有三个纽扣电池。
- We are looking to purchase VRLA Gell Cell Batteries for solar systems in the sizes of 80 - 90 Amp/hr and 100 - 110 Amp/hr. 我们正在寻找购买盖尔阀控式密封铅酸电池的太阳能系统在大小80-90安培/小时和100-110安培/小时。
- The governor of Maine has signed two bills into act restricting the use of deca-PBDE, a flame retardant, and mercury-added button cell batteries. 另外,2015年1月1日后,任何人不得销售、供货,或以推广为目的提供含汞的氧化银钮扣电池,或带有此类电池的产品。
- TV news channels, meanwhile, aired cell phone video footage within half an hour of the explosions. 同时,在爆炸后半小时之内,电视新闻频道同时也播放了手机摄影的录象。
- This occurred in a 69-year-old woman who was subsequently treated with a subtemporal, extradural exploration and packing of the multiple defects in the mastoid air cells. 这是一位69岁的女性患者,后来通过颞下硬膜外探查,修补了乳突气房的多发缺损。
- Results There were 44 cases of granulonatous tissue hyperplasia, 31 cases of cholesteatoma recurrence, 28 cases of air cells in the mastoid, 24 cases of high facial ner... 结果肉芽组织增生44例,胆脂瘤复发31例,乳突气房残留28例,面神经嵴过高24例,外耳道口狭窄23例,换药不当19例,再次手术后随访6个月均达到干耳。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。