- Characters of the property right structure of common property resources and use behavior. 共有财产资源产权结构的特点与利用行为。
- On Property Right Structure and Private Corporate Governance Structures. 产权结构与我国民营企业治理。
- However, the nation should be responsible for the defect of system and disintegrating of social right structure. 而国家应该对制度存在的缺陷与社会权力与经济结构的瓦解承担主要的责任。
- Its development is determined by the property right structure, the labor union’s coordination and gover... 产权结构、工会协调及政府调节等因素决定了劳资双方利益关系的发展态势。
- A team has a heart, and when those people understand their objective, and they are in the right structure, then they work well. 一个团队有一颗心,当这些人理解了他们的目标,他们就会位于正确的结构中,并工作出色。
- At this circs, the company how to reform the property right structure bases on the human capital ,which is the theme of this paper. 在这种情况下,企业如何以人力资本理论为指导,进行中小企业的产权结构改革,并最终促进企业的持续成长是本文研究的主题。
- A trouble in the change blueprint of state-owned enterprises shows that property right structure reformation is the most difficult thing in the systematical changes. 实施国有企业改制方案遭遇的阻力表明产权改革是艰难的制度变迁;
- The dual land property-right is a special land right structure in Chinese history,which is the usually called permanent leasehold arragements,or “one field, twin owners”. 双层地权是中国历史上存在的一种特殊的土地结构,即通常所谓“永佃制”或“一田二主”。
- Test surface righting reflex,cliff avoidance reflex,negative geotaxis reflex,air righting reflex and forelimb grip reflex of ninety-three rats. 同日龄幼大鼠93只,雌雄不拘,分别对平面翻正,空中翻正反射,悬崖回避试验,负趋地性试验,前肢握力试验进行测试。
- It is of importance to study air rights with angel of sustainable development for human beings to perpetually make full use of land resources. 对空间权进行可持续发展和法经济学研究,有利于人类充分、有效及永续利用土地资源。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- And the most basic right structure is equity structure and the relation between the residual claim and the residual rights of control (marketing rights). 而最基本的权利结构是股权结构,以及剩余索取权与剩余控制权(经营权)之间的产权关系。
- Russia and Czech change the existence on means demesne in negotiable securities very big different, different changed reform means to form different property right structure demesne. 俄罗斯和捷克在证券私有化方式上存在很大的不同,不同的私有化改革方式形成了不同的产权结构。
- The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in customs and tariff, air rights, ground handling, and land and water transport coordination between the respective local governments. 然而,GTP的建设需要有关机场与地方政府间在关税、制空权、后勤服务以及水陆交通等方面进行协调,这将对该都会经济区的内部合作提出更新的挑战。
- Easement because of its unique right structural pattern and powerful function effect, once again arouses compatriot"s attention. 而地役权由于独特的权利结构模式和强大的功能效应,在土地资源日趋稀缺,土地利用关系日益复杂的情况下,再次为国人所瞩目。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- Finally, the author summarized the improvement method to above stockholder's rights structure present situation's deficiency. 最后,笔者对以上股权结构现状的不足之处总结出了改善的方法。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。
- Abstract: The multiple property rights structure is the linchpin of development and perfection modern enterprise institution. 文章摘要: 产权结构多元化.是发展和完善现代企业制度的关键,既有利于规范法人治理结构,又有利于企业分散经营风险。