- aircraft accident psychology 飞行事故心理学
- Injuries sustained during an aircraft accident can range from minor to severe. 在飞机失事中,受伤人员的状况从轻伤到重伤不等。
- Nobody know what proportion of aircraft accident occur during the pilot's natural night-time. 没人知道有多大比例的空中失事是发生在飞行员的自然夜间。
- Iran has a history of aircraft accidents. 伊朗经常发生坠机事故。
- As stated previously, time is of utmost importance when responding to an aircraft accident. 综上所述,时间在对飞机失事中的反应起著至关重要的作用。
- The organization and procedures of the investigation of civil aircraft accident shall be prescribed by the State Council. 第一百五十六条民用航空器事故调查的组织和程序,由国务院规定。
- The Concorde aircraft accident decision is studied in this paper under the view of system safety,with the simulation for the overrun speed and time. 摘要 为协和飞机的坠毁事故是由于当时没有选择中断起飞而造成的最差决策,损失最大且没有救援的可能。
- It has been the experience of the evaluator, that in the Fire Service, the general attitude is that an aircraft accident is the same as an auto accident. 评估员的经验就是,在消防服务中,一般态度是一架飞机失事同一辆汽车事故一样。
- NTSB. (1994). “In-Flight Icing Encounter and Loss of Control SIMMONS Airlines, American Eagle Flight 4184 ”, Aircraft Accident Report. Washington, D.C: NTSB. 官文霖、梁群.;(2004)
- In looking at each of the four objectives outlined for this exercise, it is evident that there is a great need for the Memphis Fire Department to be better prepared for something all hope will never happen, an aircraft accident. 就此次演习提出四方面的目的,都表明了孟菲斯消防部门要更好地为谁都不期望发生的飞机失事做好准备。
- Nobody knows what proportion of aircraft accidents occurs during the pilot's natural night-time. 没人知道有多大比例的空中失事是发生在飞行员的自然夜间。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- Game on aircraft accidents, to land a wasteland, you climbed from the water, looking at the vast beaches think we should do something about it. 游戏介绍:飞机出现意外,迫降到荒岛,你从海水中爬出,望着辽阔的海滩,觉得应该做点什么。
- Post crash survivability now becomes a major issue because response times to aircraft accidents are critical to initiating an effective rescue effort. 坠机后存活可能性目前已成为一个重要课题,因为反应时间对救援效果有重要影响。
- AADREPP Aircraft Accident Data Reporting Panel 航空器事故数据报告专家组
- I am always interested in psychology. 我一直对心理学感兴趣。
- I can't understand that man's psychology. 我无法理解那个人的心理。
- He had had a blackout after the accident. 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。
- AADRP Aircraft Accident Data Reporting Panel 航空器失事资料报告专家小组