- The war boomed the aircraft industry. 战争促使飞机工业迅速发展。
- China Shijiazhuang Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. 石家庄飞机工业有限责任公司。
- What Industry Is Chinese Civil Aircraft Industry? 什么样的产业才是中国的民机产业?
- Rare metal is indispensable for the aircraft industry. 稀有金属是航空工业发展不可或缺的原材料。
- The great white hope for the German aircraft industry was the European airbus. 德国飞机制造业的巨大希望就是“欧洲空中客车”公司。
- Flying to Tomorrow--Interviewed Mr.Hu Xiaofeng, the General Manager of Shanxi Aircraft Industry(Group) Co., Ltd. 志在冲天--访陕西飞机工业(集团)有限公司总经理胡晓峰先生。
- Since the establishment of China's aviation industry in the early 1950s, China's civil aircraft industry has attained great achievements. 自本世纪50年代初中国正式创建航空工业以来,中国的民用航空工业取得了一系列成就。
- The operator, Xi'an Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., which is part of the China Aviation Industry Group, said the plant would open in mid-October. 运营方西安飞机工业(集团)公司是中国航空工业集团的组成部分,该公司称厂在将在十月中旬启动。
- The ICAF team identified six major issues that, if unaddressed, could threaten the aircraft industry's long-term health. 研究结果表明,如美国不设法解决六个主要问题,就会到美国飞机制造业的长远发展。
- With the development of modern industry, it is widely applied in traffic industry, aircraft industry, architecture and upholster and daily life. 它具有良好的导电性、传热快、密度小、强度高、易成型等优点,随着现代工业的发展,广泛应用于交通工业、航空工业、建筑装溃、日常生活。
- With the development of modern industry,it is widely applied in traffic industry,aircraft industry,architecture and upholster and daily life. 它具有良好的导电性、传热快、密度小、强度高、易成型等优点,随着现代工业的发展,广泛应用于交通工业、航空工业、建筑装潢、日常生活。
- Where transactions are “lumpy”, as in the commercial aircraft industry, the short-term profits from undercutting rivals are too big to resist. 但类似民用航空这种价格“奢侈”的行业,情形就不同了,其针对竞争对手降价带来的短期利益之丰厚,实在令人难以抗拒。
- The UK is arguably in a worse position, with no national aircraft industry to fall back on and exports to the US or Europe unlikely. 英国已被证明处在一个错误的位置,由于没有自己的飞机工业可以做为支撑,出口到美国和欧洲更是不大可能。
- The aircraft industry is developing the More Electric Aircraft with an ultimate goal of distributing only electrical power across the airframe. 飞机工业目前正朝着电气化飞机发展,最终整个机身都可能实现电气化。
- The Shenyang that says here flies, it is Shenyang aircraft industry (group) limited company, customarily calls everybody it " Shen Fei " . 这里说的沈飞,就是沈阳飞机工业(集团) 有限公司,大家习惯上都叫它“沈飞”。
- The company is close to announcing that it will buy a facility from Vought Aircraft Industries that makes sections of the 787 fuselage. 此举无异于波音再次承认,它需要对这款大型飞机的制造过程发挥更直接的作用。
- The second youngest of eleven children, he was known by his family as “Hoyle”.After graduating school he joined some siblings in California where he worked in the aircraft industry. 中学毕业后在加利福尼亚的一家飞机厂工作,并对飞行产生了兴趣,最终加入了美国空军。
- Everett is a city of northwest Washington on Puget Sound north of Seattle. It is a port and has lumbering,paper,and aircraft industries wiith a population of 69,961. 埃弗雷特是华盛顿西北部的一个城市,位于西雅图的皮吉特海峡附近,是一个港口城市,并有木材、纸张和飞行器制造工业,有人口69961。