- Study on Dynamic Scheduling Model for Aircraft Sequencing Problem Based on Genetic Algorithms 基于遗传算法的起降航班动态排序模型的研究
- Research on the Scheduling Model and Algorithm for Aircraft Sequencing Problem in TMA 终端区飞机排序的规划模型和算法研究
- aircraft sequencing problem 飞机排序问题
- The workpiece machining sequencing problem in case of one machine tool is studied with genetic algorithm and advanced/tardy scheduling model. 运用遗传算法和提前/拖期调度模型,研究了在单机情况下工件加工排序问题,提出了一个新算法。
- Simulation results indicate that the result of total aircraft delay cost optimization is satisfactory and application of the algorithm to the aircraft sequencing in terminal area is feasible. 仿真结果表明,航班总延误成本的优化结果是令人满意的,该算法在终端区飞机动态排序问题中的应用是可行的。
- Multi-Objective Local Search(MOLS) algorithm was proposed to solve the permutation flowshop sequencing problem with bi-objectives of makespan and total flowtime. 针对求解最小化最大完工时间和总流程时间的多目标同顺序流水作业问题,提出了一个多目标局部搜索算法。
- The sequencing problem is modeled as a cumulative traveling salesman problem (TSP) with ready time, static and dynamic, two cases, are considered, and a set of constraints are adde. 提出了一种新的终端区规划排序模型,把飞机的排序问题看作等价于带有准备好时间的渐增周游店员问题,并给出了兼顾解的最优性和计算复杂性的快速启发式算法。
- This paper presented a fabric spreading and cutting sequencing (SCS) model using GA to solve the sequencing problem of the computerized cutting system used in the garment industry. 利用遗传算法可进行铺布与裁剪服装生产系统过程的优化调度。
- Chiang, C. -P., 2004, THE PARALLEL FLOW SHOP SEQUENCING PROBLEM WITH UNRELATED PROCESSING TIME , Proceedings of the 33rd international Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering , PP.25-27. 中国工业工程学会九十二学年度学会暨学术研讨会;建国技术学院彰化.
- The idea is that,for example,where novices to ATC may see 12 data blocks on the PVD and find it difficult to make sense of the traffic,the experienced controller sees three groups of four aircraft sequenced in trail to various destinations. 例如,ATC的初学者在PVD只上看见12个数据块,但是很难搞清楚空中交通的具体情况,而有经验的管制员则看到的是以不同目的地排列的三组航空器,每组是4架。
- A Sequencing Problem in Loading and Unloading Goods 货物装卸中的一个排序问题
- The idea is that, for example, where novices to ATC may see 12 data blocks on the PVD and find it difficult to make sense of the traffic, the experienced controller sees three groups of four aircraft sequenced in trail to various destinations. 例如,ATC的初学者在PVD只上看见12个数据块,但是很难搞清楚空中交通的具体情况,而有经验的管制员则看到的是以不同目的地排列的三组航空器,每组是4架。
- A general mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model is proposed to formulate the superstructure of the distillation sequence Problem. 文中提出一种广义的结合整数非线性规画(MINLP)模式来描述蒸馏氢列的超结构。
- Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)method based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment was proposed to solve separation sequence problem. 提出了一种分离序列综合的方法,该方法建立在模糊综合评判的数据包络分析模型基础上。
- Application of Evolution Algorithm to Aircraft Sequencing in Terminal Area 进化算法在终端区飞机动态排序中的应用
- The aircraft was flying above thick fog. 飞机在浓雾上空飞行。
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 这架飞机的速度非常快。
- He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. 他一块一块地装配飞机模型。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- Application of genetic algorithm to aircraft sequencing in terminal area 遗传算法在终端区飞机排序中的应用