- single hook airless shot blasting machine 单钩真空抛丸清理机
- cage type airless shot blasting machine 鼠笼式抛丸清理机
- apron type airless shot blasting machine 履带式抛丸清理机
- car-type airless shot blasting machine 车式无空气抛丸清理机
- table type airless shot blasting machine 台式真空抛丸清理机
- hook type airless shot blasting machine 单钩真空抛丸清理机
- Shot blasting machine is a crane aids. 抛丸机是起重机的辅助工具。
- Q37 series hook type airless shot blast cleaning machine is mainly used for surface cleaning and strengthening of steel structural parts, casting, aluminum alloy parts and other spare parts. 产品简介: Q37系列吊钩式抛丸清理机主要用于钢结构件、铸件、铝合金件及其它零件的表面清理和强化。
- airless shot blasting installation 抛丸清理装置
- An New Horizontal Movable Shot Blasting Machine 新一代水平移动式抛丸机
- leaf spring shot blasting machine 片簧喷丸机
- horizontal movable shot blasting machine 水平移动式抛九机
- rotary table shot blasting machine 转台抛丸清理强化机
- barrel-type shot blasting machine 筒式喷丸机,喷丸滚筒
- lining plate of shot blasting machine 抛丸机护板
- barrel type shot blasting machine 抛丸清理滚筒
- This series of abators belong to roller track shot blasting machines .They are mainly used to release stresses and clean rusts for large sized l shaped and H shaped steel structures in building and bridge construction industries. 该系列通过式板、型材抛丸清理预处理线,是由预热、抛丸处理、喷漆、烘干等工序组成,该机广泛应用于造船、汽车、桥梁、机械、集装箱等行业的板材、型材及结构件的表面除绣、烘干等流水作业。
- This series of shot blasting machines will eject shots to the metal surface of the workpiece under the force of air pressure.After treatment,the metal surface will appear a uniform luster, which will enhance painting dressing quality. 该喷丸机是一种弹丸借助压缩空气,喷射到金属表面的一种机械,使金属表面呈现均匀的金属光泽,提高涂装质量。
- airless shot blasting mchine 喷丸清理机
- Application of Automatic Technology in Shot Blasting Machine 自动控制技术在抛丸机中应用