- airport fire service 机场消防站
- The hotel guest is evacuate by the fire service. 饭店的客人是在消防人员的帮助下撤离的。
- The fire service is on the spot in a few minutes. 消防队几分钟内就赶到了现场。
- The hotel guests were evacuated by the fire service. 饭店的客人是在消防人员的帮助下撤离的。
- The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm. 消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。
- Fire is out now, but we request fire service assistance on landing. 现在火灭了,但请求着陆时消防协助。
- International Society of Fire Service Instructors. Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting, Student Manual, 1988. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Airport Standards. 国际消防服务指挥员协会。飞机救援与消防,学生手册,1988。美国交通部,美国联邦航空局,机场标准办公室。
- The fire service installations are properly installed with regular inspections. 消防装置妥当,又有人定期检查。
- No coz Fire Service Dept had their own x-country race on the same day. 男36'女38'已经系公开赛既水准啦;估唔到纪律部队都唔差;系条街见到D亚蛇好多都系大肚腩.
- Minimum recommended organizations on the system should include Main Airport Fire Station, Memphis Fire Dispatch, Memphis Airport Communications Center/ Airport Operations, FAA Tower, FAA TRACON, and others as presently constituted or as required. 该系统建议事项应至少通知到的组织有主要机场消防队、菲斯消防签派部门、菲斯机场通信中心/场运行部门、国联邦航空局塔台、国联邦航空局终端雷达进近管制中心以及其他任何将要考虑加入的部门。
- Starting from July this year, the Fire Services Department colleagues have kindly undertaken voluntary SST measurements at the two Sea Rescue Berths inside the airport. 自今年七月开始,得到消防处的同事襄助,义务在机场内的两个海上救援停泊区量度海面温度。
- Ladderline was designed as an optimal halyard for fire service extension ladders. Ladderline设计为最佳的升降索给消防服务扩展梯子。
- Carry out pipeline replacement for fire service pipeline in CRC Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006. 2006年于华润青衣油库更换消防喉管。
- Airport Fire Fighting Proficiency Training 机场消防专精训练
- Improved Training for Airport Fire Fighters 移动训练装置改进机场
- As a result of this requirement, ARFF personnel undergo extensive training and are some of the most trained fire fighters in the fire service. 在此要求下,飞机救援消防的工作人员经受广泛的培训,是消防服务中受过最好培训的消防人员。
- As for timing, the Memphis Fire Service, firefighters and officers, need to take exercises as well as a real incident very serious. 对于时效问题,孟菲斯消防服务的消防员与长官们,需要像对待真的事故一样严肃地多多练习。
- In the midst of another record-setting fire season, maybe its time for the fire service to take the interface battle to legislators and insurers. 这又一次创纪录的火灾季节,也许又到了消防服务部门与立法者和保险公司进行界面战的时候了。
- He sent to Jennie to meet him at the airport. 他捎口信给珍妮到机场接他。
- Normally, a fire service prides itself in responding rapidly to calls for help. A downed aircraft is a very large call for help. 通常,消防服务是以其快速响应救援而引以自豪的。一架坠落的飞机确实是一项相当大的救援任务。