- albit moonstone 钠长月光石
- The novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848. 弗兰克林回答说,医生无非是凭猜想来开处方的,这使坎迪医生极为恼火。
- Lustrous Azure Moonstone Matches a Blue Socket. 异彩碧月石 对应蓝色插槽。
- He was more than surprised when Mr. Godfrey produced the Moonstone. 等到高孚利先生拿出月亮宝石时,他吓得不得了。
- What will be the next adventures of the Moonstone? Who can tell? 月亮宝石下回还会有什么奇遇呢?谁说得上!
- Moonstone holds the tone of Jurisdiction in the Language of Light. 月亮石持有光之语中权限音调。
- The sacred Moonstone returns to the hands of the Indians. 神圣的月亮石回到了印度人的手中。
- He went to fetch the moonstone, as was privately known to himself and to me. 其实呢,只有我跟他两人知道,他是去取月亮宝石。
- The Moonstone is a sacred Hindu diamond at the forehead of the Moon-God. 月亮石是月亮神额头上的一颗印度教的神圣宝石。
- Here we were, then, at a dead-lock about Miss Rachel--and at a dead-lock about the Moonstone. 这一来,我们在雷茜儿小姐的身上就探听不出什么名堂来,在月亮宝石的问题上也得不到什么结果。
- Yes! After the lapse of eight centuries, the Moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city. 是呀!经历了八个世纪的岁月,月亮宝石再度照耀着这座圣城的城墙。
- The Moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city in which its story first began. 月亮宝石再度照耀着这座圣城的城墙了,它的故事就是在这城里开场的。
- Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system. 4th chakra. 月长石:吸收疾病和痛苦。使组织和器官再生,有助于再生系统。用于第四个穴位。
- Moonstone will assist initiates in holding their boundaries so that one may ascend in ease. 月亮石将协助提升者保持界域,以便可在轻松中提升。
- This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants". 这已经赚得它名声和绰号 " 在工厂的王国的拱顶上的月长石 " 。
- Godfrey Ablewhite is a typical character employed in The Moonstone to represent Collins' purpose. GodfreyAblewhite是本文中的典型人物,代表了Collins的意图。
- Iwould either remove the moonstone and add a different item, or make itMUCH MUCH MUCH more effective. 我会删除月之石,然后添加一个别的东西,或者把它变得比现在更.....有用。
- An ancient and priceless piece of jewelry, the Moonstone, has been stolen, and it`s up to you to track it down! 游戏简介 :一件古代的物价珍宝,月石,被盗走了,你必须要找到它!
- Socially, the Moonstone is employed as a touchstone to reflect man's greediness. 从社会方面,月亮石作为一块试金石,用来反应人类的贪婪。
- Sharp as he is, Cuff is not entirely equipped to deal with the “myth” about the Moonstone. 如他那般内行,Cuff没有完全整装待发去处理关于月亮石的“神话”。