- He has got an alcohol dependence. 他有酒瘾。
- Ms Howley also said many were now presenting with problems such as alcohol dependency and drug addiction. 女士也说现在许多人身上都有诸如酗酒和吸毒的问题。
- Forming factor of alcohol dependence relate to family position,economic condition,family drinking alcohol hobby. 形成酒依赖的因素与家庭地位、经济状况及家庭饮酒史有关。
- Results: Taking action and alcohol dependence severity could predict internal locus of control. 结果:采取行动与酒依赖严重度能预测控握信念。
- The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol. 法官禁止他卖酒。
- We concluded that alcohol dependency at the time of ESRD onset is a risk factor for renal graft failure and recipient death. 结论:我们总结认为ESRD发生时酒精依赖是移植肾失功和受者死亡相关。
- This paper reviews the advance in molecular biology research on alcohol dependence in recent years, These include ADH, ALDH, 5-HT, DA, MAO and so on. 本文就醇脱氢酶、醛脱氢酶、5-羟色胺、多巴胺、单胺氧化酶、内源性阿片系统等与酒依赖关系的分子生物学研究进展进行了概括。英文翻译,英语:
- Alcohol dependence, as well as associated comorbid psychopathology and negative life events, act as distal risk factors for suicidal behavior. 酒依赖和相关的共病精神病理学及负性生活事件一样,充当自杀行为的末端危险因素。
- Methods:23 alcohol dependence cases were treated with the furazolidone aversion therapy and all stages of nursing intervention were strenthened also. 方法:对23例酒依赖患者进行呋喃唑酮厌恶疗法,同时加强各阶段的护理干预。
- For people with alcohol dependency problems, the health benefits of red wine are far offset by the risks of drinking to excess. 对于酒精依赖病人来说,红酒的保健作用可以会因过量饮用的危险而抵消。
- The study, which included 371 men and women age 18 to 65 years diagnosed with alcohol dependence, was conducted between January 2004 and August 2006 at 17 U. S. Sites. 该项研究包括了371名18-65岁被诊断为有酒精依赖性的男性和女性,在2004年1月至2006年8月期间在美国的十七个地点开展研究。
- The decision depended on the toss of a coin. 那项决定是靠掷硬币的方法做出的。
- In order to understand relationship between alcohol dependence and family psychology factor,family psychologic factors of 142 patients with alcohol dependence were investigated. 为了了解酒依赖与家庭心理因素的关系.;本文对142例酒依赖患者的家庭心理因素进行了调查。
- You can't depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达。
- A university professor, Ujo(Kazama Tohru) meets a very beautiful girl, Yui (Tsugumi), at a hospital where he is receiving treatment for alcohol dependency as an outpatient. 大学教授宇成在治疗酒精中毒医院遇见了美丽的由伊。
- More importantly, can he be depended on? 更重要的是,可以依靠他吗?
- The tides depend on the pull of the moon. 潮汐是月亮引力作用的结果。
- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- An alcohol dependence. 酒瘾
- Depend upon it, we shall succeed. 没问题,我们一定能成功。