- The author points out that the transformation of meme leads us in dealing with the source language text flexibly by means of alienation and domestication. 指出:模因在翻译中的嬗变促使我们用归化和异化的方法灵活地处理源语文本。
- She is declared an undesirable alien and deport. 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。
- She is declared an undesirable alien and deport . 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。
- Met a friendly alien and made fren with them. 遇到友善的外星人然后交个朋友。
- He said, I am an alien and a stranger among you. 他说:“我在你们当中是局外人,是陌生人。”
- Because alienation and sublate are the same process. 由于异化与扬弃是同一个过程,因此要从根本上规范和重构信息化背景下的人文精神,只有从马克思主义的实践观出发,致力于多元信息交往平等主体的建构和寻求新的人性的建立。
- alienation and domestication 归化与异化
- He was always a stranger to me, always somehow alien and remote. 他在我眼里永远是个生人,永远那么陌生,那么疏远。
- The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies. 会议关系到国内外政策。
- He wants a home and domesticity. 他想有个家, 过家庭生活。
- Promote private saving and domestic investment. 增长私人储蓄和国内投资。
- The abrupt stillness seemed alien and artificial, a little insidious. 这突如其来的宁静,显得很陌生,很不自然,而且好象暗地里要出什么岔子似的。
- Accept the foreign and domestic order with discount price. 接受国内外批量订单。
- Flying to fight against alien and save the world from alien domination. 飞行战斗去对抗异形和拯救世界免被外星人统治。
- Total imports and domestic kitchens which more appropriate for you? 整体厨房进口与国产哪个更适合你?
- Are there any other creatures aside from Aliens and Ghosts? 除了外星人和鬼是否还有其他任何动物?
- Christmas Placemat of high qulity for export and domestic. 出口盘垫,色彩艳丽,做工精良。
- A family rescued him from starvation and domesticated him. 有一户人家救了他,才没有被饿死。
- Second, while team production permits economics of scale to be realized, it has done so at the cost of worker alienation and shirking. 第二,尽管团体生产可以实现规模经济,但它是以工人异化和卸责为代价的。
- The argument of “intentional painting” is in fact based on the nationalization and domestication of painting. “意象油画”的提出实际上是建立在“油画民族化”和“油画本土化”基础上的。