- alienation mutual affection [法] 夫妻感情的破裂
- A family has a mutual affection when each person likes the others and is liked by them. 当每个人都喜欢其他人而且也被其他人所喜爱时,这家庭就有着相互的情感。
- A sense of mutual affection seemed to surround us with a ring of golden peace. 一种相亲相爱的感觉似乎用一圈黄金般的和平气氛围绕着我们。
- So the mutual affection between the gradually turned into a beautiful love. 于是彼此的之间的情意渐渐的变成了美丽的爱情。
- An hour had passed like a moment in their expressions of mutual affection. 她们各倾衷肠,一小时就象一刹那似的过去了。
- Mutual affection is marriage and marriage tie should not bind after the death of love, if love should die. 相互的爱才是婚姻,爱情一旦死亡,爱情死亡之后的婚姻束缚亦不应存在。
- A family have a mutual affection when each person likes the others and is liked by them. 当每个人都喜欢其他人而且也被其他人所喜爱时,这家庭就有着相互的情感。
- A young couple was walking along a beach, swinging hands and discussing their mutual affection with gooey falseness. 一对年轻情侣漫步在沙滩上,甩着手臂,肉麻地讨论着他们对彼此的感情。
- In dealing with a divorce case, the people's court should carry out mediation between the parties. Divorce shall be granted if mediation fails because mutual affection no long exists. 人民法院审理离婚案件,应当进行调解;如感情确已破裂,调解无效,应准予离婚。
- The serious ecological problems such as germ storeroom degradation,minus rising of area soil layer,soil erosion and rock desertification have appeared due to the mutual affection... 针对这些问题,建议采取控制人口、恢复植被、加强能源建设和发展生态农业等一系列措施。
- It had the disadvantage of consuming their mutual affections at a fearfully prodigal rate. 这种情形也有坏处,因为这就是他们以令人可怕的浪费速度,把他们相互的爱消耗。
- In mutual affections, the lowliness is mutual too, means the efforts and sacrifices the couple made for their love. 在对等的情感关系中,这种卑微是相互的,是男女双方对一份情感的努力和付出。
- It is alien to the school discipline. 这是违反学校纪律的。
- She is declared an undesirable alien and deport. 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。
- express feelings of mutual affection or friendship 互通款曲
- Cruelty is quite alien to his nature. 残忍完全不合他的本性。
- mutual affection no longer exists 感情破裂
- She is glad to embosom his affection. 她喜悦地珍惜他的爱情。
- Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。
- This indicates that these two departments of science are interdependent and mutually affect each other. 这说明,这两个科学部门是相互依赖、相互影响的。