- But, the character of utility,deceit and illusion in the actual advertisements misleads people's behaviors of consumption seriously and aggravate the alienation of consumption. 可是,现实广告中的功利性、虚假性和虚幻性,严重误导着人们的消费行为,加重了消费异化。
- Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends. 酗酒常常导致家庭和朋友间的疏远。
- An assignment is a total alienation of chattels personal. 动产转让是指属人动产的完全转让。
- The parents noticed the alienation of their child from them. 父母注意到孩子与他们之间关系疏远了。
- The increasingly dull nature of many industrial jobs has led to the alienation of many workers. 许多工业工作越来越单调刻板,导致很多工人离心离德的倾向。
- She developed symptoms of consumption. 她显示出肺病的症候。
- Internet shopping is a new way of consumption. 网上购物是当今消费的一种新途径。
- In 1843 Smith's elder brother died of consumption. 1843年,史密斯的的哥哥死于痨病。
- alienation of consumption 异化消费
- It excludes one case even in the field of consumption goods. 它排斥一种甚至在消费资料范围内的情况。
- The growth rate of consumption demand has picked up. 消费需求增幅回升。
- To solve crises goals, we should adhere to reasonable consumption and control consumerism so as to exterminate alienation of consumerism society. 为了消除危机,要合理消费,控制消费主义,最终达到根除消费社会异化的目的。
- In Marxist theory,consumption will have qualitative change because of the alienation of labour, which could result in fetishism. 马克思认为,在一定社会条件下,消费行为将由于劳动的异化而发生质变,从而导致商品拜物教的形成。
- The new policy resulted in the alienation of many voters. 新政策导致许多选民疏远了。
- Love saw the alienation of sin, and sought a ground of reconciation. 爱是看见了最的疏远,就寻找一个复合的基点。
- You can also define a rate of consumption for material resources. 您还可以定义材料资源的消耗率。
- Love saw the alienation of sin , and sought a ground of reconciation. 爱是看见了最的疏远,就寻找一个复合的基点。
- Love saw the alienation of sin, and sought a ground of reconciliation. 爱是看见了罪的疏离,就寻找一个复和的基点。
- The lowliest form of consumption is transformed into the loftiest. 最低贱的消费转变成了最昂贵的。
- To excessively canonize science will lead to the alienation of humanity. 对科技理性的过分推崇会导致人性的异化。