- When we go to a region where the experimental test was not applied, all bets are off. 当我们进入没有进行实验测试的领域时,所有的猜想赌注都结束了。
- He lies, cheats and steals his way into operating a plush casino, but when he incurs the wrath of a female Japanese gang leader, all bets are off! 后宗与李招聚江湖儿女组成杂技团,冀望步入正途,不竟被当地恶棍压迫,杂技团首演后便告解散,各人一度各自谋生;
- If not, all bets are off and those who forecast oil prices will again be shown to be no better than their local weatherman. 如果不是,那么前面所有结论都会被推翻,而事实将再次表明,那些油价预言家们比地方气象预报员好不了多少。
- Many experts thought that the global economy would improve this year, but with the start of war in Iraq and the outbreak of SARS, all bets are off. 许多专家以为今年全球经济会好转,但随著伊拉克战争开打以及SARS(严重急性呼吸道症候群)的爆发,一切都成了未知数。
- Kenyon may be a first-rate businessman and marketing genius, but the bottom line is that if Chelsea cannot cut it on the field, all bets are off. 肯扬或许是个一流的商人和市场营销天才,但假如切尔西不能在球场上拿出成绩的话,那么所有的努力都将化为乌有。
- Devlin-Sample, a nurse practitioner from Pelham, N.Y.“I have no idea.If we're getting salmonella from peanut butter, all bets are off. Devlin-Sample,纽约Pelham医院的一位从业护士这样问到,“我对此并不了解。
- so there's something to salvage for the homeowner, and the house is still standing. But with the newer construction, all bets are off. 因此,他们还能为房主救出一些东西,同时房子仍能矗立在那。但是对于新的建筑物,所有一切付之一炬。
- Coulthard's friend David Coulthard, meanwhile, wrote in his Telegraph column after Monaco: "That's it. All bets are off." 库塔的朋友大卫库尔特哈德,同时,在文中写道:电报栏后,摩纳哥:“就是这样。全部赌注都关闭.;"
- After all bets are down, the dealer gives two cards each to the player and the banker. 毕竟赌注都下降,经销商给出了两个卡每个球员和银行家。
- During this time all bets are off. Those who were favoured by the old guard are vulnerable. Those who weren't have a chance to reinvent themselves. 在此期间,什么事情都有可能发生。过去老上司的红人有可能失宠。过去不走红的现在或许有机会重新塑造自己。
- During this time all bets are off. Those who were favoured by the old guard are vulnerable. Those who weren` t have a chance to reinvent themselves. 但是等到飞机在北京降落后.;我们会猛然意识到这是个绝然不同的国都
- These remarks are off the record. 这些话是私底下说的。
- His action are so irrational that I think he must be off his chump. 他的行为毫无理智,我认为他一定是疯了。
- A book in which off-track bets are recorded. 赌注登记簿一本场外赛马赌博的赌注登记薄
- “Santa Anas blow, all bets are off. Anything can happen.” 是的,一切都有可能发生。
- All business here appears to be off the hinges. 这里的一切事情都显得失常。
- A place where off-track bets are taken. 场外赛马赌博的下赌注处。
- My wife is expecting me at home. I must be off now. So long! 我妻子正在家等着我呢。我必须要走了。再见!
- His brother paid all his bills and he was off the hook. 他的兄弟替他付清了账,他无债一身轻。
- The comedy tine was cut out as being off side. 笑料由于低级趣味而被删去。