- She invited all and sundry to her party. 她邀请所有的人都来参加聚会。
- I don't want all and sundry knowing about our problems. 我不想人人都知道我们的问题。
- Cold drinks were served to all and sundry. 给每个人都端了冷饮。
- She was known to all and sundry as Bella. 人人都叫她贝拉。
- The club is open to all and sundry. 这个俱乐部什么人都可以加入。
- He invited all and sundry to celebrate his 20th birthday. 他邀请所有的人都去庆祝他的20岁生日。
- I dont want all and sundry knowing about our problems. 中文:我不想人人都知道我们的问题。
- We shall have to restrict the number of guests. We can't invite all and sundry. 我们必须限制来宾人数,不能谁都请。
- I don't like you talking about my personal problems to all and sundry. 我不喜欢你把我的私人问题告诉所有人。
- A few reminiscences are exchanged about her, and the lives of all and sundry continue as before without so much as a tear. 大家会相互回忆几件有关她过去的逸事,然后各人将依然故我,丝毫不受这事的影响,甚至谁也不会因此而掉一滴眼泪。
- And then there is a spiel about the pearl, signed Tecla.The oyster produces both, he informs all and sundry. 他告诉大家,牡蛎可生产两种珍珠,“野生的”或东方珠和“养”珠。
- He was also one of those with an inordinate capacity for extracting enjoyment from all and sundry. 他也是那种拥有无限力量从所有的人那里获取欢乐的一种人。
- A few reminiscences are exchanged about her,and the lives of all and sundry continue as before without so much as a tear. 大家会相互回忆几件有关她过去的逸事,然后各人将依然故我,丝毫不受这事的影响,甚至谁也不会因此而掉一滴眼泪。
- Princess Diana's wedding was the stuff of fairy tales. Now her ancestral home is throwing open its doors for all and sundry to say their marriage vows. 当年,英国王妃戴安娜与王储查尔斯梦幻般的婚礼让无数人羡慕不已。如今,普通人便可以在王妃故居结婚,因为王妃之兄已宣布将它公开出租。
- No sooner had the draw been completed that the Sky reporters were shoving their mikes up people's noses asking for the opinion of all and sundry. 抽签刚刚结束,记者们就会把麦克举到各个俱乐部官员的鼻子底下,不停的问这问那。
- She dispenses her treasures without limits, welcoming all and sundry to partake of the abundance, fertility and light that surrounds her. 她毫无限制地分送她的财宝,欢迎所有的人都来分享围绕在她周围的丰盛、富饶、和光。
- He highlights neatly (and hilariously) Waugh's demonic streak of prankishness: insisting to the bafflement and fury of all and sundry that Tito, the Yugoslav leader, was a woman. 他扼要地(同时嬉笑地)强调了沃夫颇带邪气的恶作剧:尽管让人感到不解或愤怒,他仍然坚称南斯拉夫领导人铁托是个女人。
- You all know that Mr Unavailable's can barely even commit to what they will eat the following day, nevermind agreeing to declare their feelings for you in front of all and sundry! 看过电影的都知道,这位“感情无法作出承诺”先生就连第二天婚宴上的食物都无法作出肯定的表示,更别说同意面对众人说出那句“我愿意”了。
- When it gets hot, they take off their jackets, sit around sweating with their fat bellies and braces, totally vulgar, drinking bottle after bottle, fraternizing with all and sundry. 当天气热起来时,他们脱掉夹克,无所事事的坐在那里,汗流浃背的挺着肥肥的大肚子,穿着背带背心,完全很粗俗,一瓶接一瓶的喝着酒,到处滥交朋友。