- You know that all was fair and above board. 你们明知道什么都是公平合理、正大光明的。
- Be open and above board with me. 请坦诚待我。
- The deal was completely open and above board. 这笔交易是完全公开而正当光明的。
- We might as well have it open and above board. 我们还是把这件事公开为好。
- You must always remain open and above board. 你必须一直保持开通及光明正大的态度。
- Open and above board, he is a man of easy access and has a strong love for his cause. 他光明磊落,平易近人,热爱事业。
- The waiters get good tips over and above their wages. 服务员除工资外还有不少小费。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- The deal was completely above board. 这笔交易是完全光明正大的。
- all legit and above-board 一切合法的和光明正大的
- It is over and above what is wanted. 那是超过需要的东西。
- We enjoy Beijing and above all Lido. 我们喜欢北京,喜欢丽都的一切。
- I shall be incomparably beyond and above you all. 我将要无可比拟地超越你们,在你们所有人之上。
- And above all, don't go snooping around the house. 即使是亲戚通常也不会一次待上几个星期。
- Drover : And above all, the Drover's law: no grog. 最后,多佛的规矩:不许喝酒。
- Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board. 我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
- My business dealings are above board. 我做生意都是光明正大的。
- We are doing anything above board and have never act sneakingly. 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。
- He gets a number of perquisites, over and above his salary. 除了薪水外,他还有一些额外收入。
- Everything he did was above board. 他所做的一切都正大光明。